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Thread: Hi everybody

  1. Default Hi everybody

    Hi everybody. I am new user here.
    Thanks ibisgaming forum.

  2. Default

    Welcome to the forums! What server do you usually play on?

  3. Default

    Hello and welcome to the forums.

  4. Default

    Welcome to the forums

  5. Default

    Welcome to the IBIS gaming forums its a really great place and I really hope you enjoy your stay here

  6. Default

    Hello and Welcome to the forums
    Quote Originally Posted by inthebutt View Post
    you all are a bunch oh whiny little bitches..
    Quote Originally Posted by Hitman
    0.o.....dem sum fightin wurdz LOL

    I am really scared.....You sending Fiona after me? LOL

  7. Default

    Hello and Welcome

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