As admin he should know not to mic spam.. he comes in to server and start mic spimin music for liek 5 minutes.. ignores completly everything I say and sayin I like this music... and continues playin it over the mic for a period of time.
Demo ----->
As admin he should know not to mic spam.. he comes in to server and start mic spimin music for liek 5 minutes.. ignores completly everything I say and sayin I like this music... and continues playin it over the mic for a period of time.
Demo ----->
Интернет - как жизнь, смысла нет, а уходить не хочется..
does anyone else think Tim is just going through every admin on the servers?
why are you even here? go talk shit about ibis on smut forums like u usualy do..
Интернет - как жизнь, смысла нет, а уходить не хочется..
The only reason i am bothering to respond to this pointless thread by virtus is because mex is a good guy. Virtus you really have an issue with every admin and player, please stop claiming bs on every one. I have already deleted your multiple accounts and ips (using proxy's lol) from smut forums. You just like causing problems and fighting with players. Mex is a great admin, been on for years now and i have never had a problem with him at all.
ummm, first of all i don't post on the smuT forums, but nice try. second arn't you banned from those forums anyways? so how could you know what was said?
i think we should take away Tim's ability to post admin abuse threads because if he lies about simple things like posts, then he probably lies about every abuse thread he makes.
theres a lil thing called demos.. for slow ppl.. its in first post.. check it if im lying...
P.S. they tried to ban me rofl..they did actualyl like 5 times... but i come back and post again.. lmao.. aint that smart id say
Интернет - как жизнь, смысла нет, а уходить не хочется..
Lol its amazing how much shit Virtus is starting since the whole IBIS community hates him.
Grow the fuck up Virtus. Just because your a bitch and really trying to *attempt* to sabotage other amdins.
Your a fucking punk. That's why you won't last that long in this community. I can't wait till you get the boot. I'll be the first to say thank fucking god.
nice pic cloud i havent seen that in years!!
P.S Художественные вкусы - веселый конец истории.
Mex plays good stuff when he mic spams. It's funny and helps lighten the mood. You know Virtus, people at the pub ad gungame server say they really miss you and they'd like to see you more 24 hours a day.
If we could have this thread closed and possibly deleted that would be just fantastic. Thanks!