Name in Game: Gun Game
Steam-ID: STEAM_0:0:20736893
Who banned you: Unknown Admin was kicked to quickly
When: Today 6/9/09(of ban) about 1:15pm EST(of ban)
Where: on the gun game server
Why banned: For saying "Well Lick Me" after being shot!
Other/Reason to unban:
If I am not to play on server, fine; but to banned for NOT swearing, NOT being disrepectful, but because someone doesn't like what is said, or just power tripping, well then I will gladly go elsewhere to play... But I thought I was liked here and know I am respectful to EVERYONE. I want to just know am I going to be allowed to play on your server or should I just find a different server? Please don't waste anymore of either of our time, I don't have the convience of time. Many of your regulars and even some of your Admins know and can vouche for me...
Email me ASAP at [email protected]