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Thread: GG Server bugs

  1. Default GG Server bugs

    Man i'm getting addicted to his mod again lol.

    Okay heres some issues i ran into on it though:

    1, server says player is afk when they arent. this is lame and people tend to take advantage of it, i found some people camping spawn and using the bug. anyway to filter afks so if they move once they wont be considered afk if they go back to spawn?

    2, it doesnt always give you the correct gun when you upgrade to a new gun level.

    3, the score bug, this one says you're back on level 0, we had a girl playing and should couldnt get off knife level, and she wasnt even on it lol.

  2. Default

    the afk thing is a glitch in the map, the zero thing they have to reconnect.

    i'm not sure that i've seen the wrong gun thing happen, any specific map?

  3. Default

    the way that it gives you the new gun is to drop your current one and give you the correct one. If you are standing on a gun you can get the wrong one. This is corrected by using !give if you have the wrong gun.

  4. Default

    Quote Originally Posted by +Project.S+ View Post
    the afk thing is a glitch in the map, the zero thing they have to reconnect.

    i'm not sure that i've seen the wrong gun thing happen, any specific map?
    no, no specific map. just a sec ago on the server, so guy was on the nade level and when the round started he was back to level 0. yeah that sucks for him.

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