[«SG.Reg» ¤Jeezuscat¤] [STEAM_0:0:14552010]
Yea, I couldn't figure out who it was.
By the time Zero told me, he had left.
Then I couldn't ban him.
That’s the funny thing about trolls: They love to do something horrible, then accuse you of doing something horrible when you call them on it.
He did not leave I kicked and banned him via console lol. Also banned him from all the servers...
Steam page for reference: http://steamcommunity.com/id/ikemike/
good job mind unbanning me its been 5 months : P
there is only 1 thing i want and its the only thing ill eat : P
I'm not surprised he was affiliated with SG too.
who sais it was a diffrent steam account : P
there is only 1 thing i want and its the only thing ill eat : P
OMG where's the demo?!?! lol
A NEW HIGH SCORE! What does "high score" mean? New high score, is that bad? What does that mean? Did I break it?
Koolayed I see you playing all the time on another account.
And was this the hacker that was on the other night Zero, that I pmed you about? Thanks, if so.
The whole problem with the world is that fools and fanatics are always so certain of themselves, but wiser people so full of doubts.