I'm going to jump in on this. I was first originally on the case but it got transferred to two other clan members so I backed out. But ima take this case again.

Lance, you were just warned about your use of power and authority with the slap and freeze command. You gave a shitty attitude towards rawr, clan's hand picked ULA, and you pretty much gave the entire clan an ultimatum of, "i do whatever the fuck i want, or I'll let hackers roam the server". You were placed on a 2 week admin restriction, BUT, we did not restrict you to see how you would do. You clearly cannot follow our rules when you are an admin because "they don't apply to you". Well trust me, they apply to you.

Reviewing this, lance, you need to get your head out of your ass and bring yourself down. You are not ULA, you are not Clan.

1 Month ban stands, unban request denied.
When your ban is lifted, you will NOT be restricted of any admin commands, but keep in mind we will be watching you.
