Quote Originally Posted by Oasis View Post
Alright so let's start off with admin abuse in the ZM server, always been there, nothing's ever been done about it. ceiling cat/chelsea needs to learn to control their admin and not use it for personal gain.

Not so much chelsea, but she does beacon players constantly, change maps when she wants, yells into her mic after she has told others to not mic spam.

Ceiling cat slaps players all the time, gets them killed and she laughs it off. She does other stuff but it's minor, but falls into the category of admin abuse.

Now why does this continue to happen? Because this server has turned shitty, zero, you let anyone on as an admin and I know you'll say "Oh money's money". But you don't realize how shitty the people you hire are. I know you're busy as well, so you can't really watch over everyone at everytime, but just once, come in and watch what the admins do in ZM and do something about it.

What the fuck has this server turned into? Back in mid 08 it was fun as fuck. Now it's just do whatever the fuck everyone wants. People ztele from zombies and get minor punishments. Some people get favored over others, people complain and get ignored. People abuse going to spectate before turning into a zombie, people cade break, and if it's an admin's friend who cade breaks, nothing is done.

My flame shield is on, so inb4ragessayect.

Have fun flaming me for something I won't even be here to read.
I agree with you to an extent.