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Thread: Earlier issue with Autumn

  1. #1

    Default Earlier issue with Autumn

    First I want to say this is not a thread to really reopen an already closed issue and this is not in anyway to ask for punishment or any type of retribution. I was unable to post this in the other topic as it was closed and it was recommended to me by friends that I do post this. I simply only want to give my side to what happened earlier concerning the issue between Clone, Autumn and myself.

    As you know I was muted and banned. I feel unfairly but that of course has again been settled and I appreciate all the help. It was in Roy Highway. , that will explain it. Basically I just want to say that I've carved quite a niche in the server, most regard me as an asshole and that's fair because thats how I choose to represent myself, not to be malicious but simply to be funny and cynical and not everyone thinks so and that's fair of them to feel that way. They shouldn't feel wrong for it. What happened however earlier I feel was wrong.

    I'm not here to label Autumn a bitch or anything. To the point she muted me because she felt I was a disrespectful to her which she often grasps for anytime she deals with me. Maybe sometimes she's right but this time she was wrong. Earlier as a spectator she mentioned she need to find her invincible cade, Myself and Ethugs found her as zombies and we got into the cade and I tagged her. She preceded to swear, call us fuckers and shits.

    Now keep in mind I have no problem with what she said, while technically it was disrepectful I did not and still don't look at it in any other way then her having fun. I then preceded to playfully mock her in a high voice about the cade being invincible. Now unfortunately I'm a little sketchy on what else was said, I veiwed the demo but couldnt hear myself or Autumn during the important part.

    She then muted me for disrespect which technically it was, I wont deny that. My problem is that she was disrespectful as well but it was ok for her cause she's an admin. I didn't complain on her being disrespectful because I believd then just as I do now that it was all in good fun but I believe fairness is important.

    Clone unmuted me for that reason, I know people got onto him saying he shouldnt have, I disagree, not simply because it was me he unmuted but because he felt that all joking aside, it was unfair and instead of simply "following the rules" and allowing it, he chose to do somethin to right a wrong. He shouldnt be punished for that. My problem with Autumn is the same with these rules, they're black and white, Admins dont take the time to notice the grey areas, you can't punish someone fo disrespecting you if you disrespect them first. Several minutes went by and Clone and another user stated that I had been muted long enough, Autumn then simply threatned Clone " Unmute him again and see what happens" he did so and I was banned an hour. I did not to run to anyone for help, they chose to help me and I was banned to punish them, a punishment neither of us deserved.

    She said that when I'm told to quit, I don't. The previous map was Salon Moon, I was talking to someone and jokingly said my mom is 52 and plays on this server, her name is Autumn. Autumn responded back something like "Ripper I know you love me and all but lay off please". I did not say one other word to her and she can confirm that. There have been times when I'm talking to someone else and Autumn will chime in with something serious and sometimes something thats considered to be a rude remark even when I'm not talking to her or about her but I dont take it as her being disrespectful or maicious toward me, she's just playing a round, making small talk, being civil.

    I dont think she should lose her admin and I dont think Clone or Mastagunz should be punished for what they did. I appreciate their help and all the others who suggested I type this and who stuck up for me. I know there will be people to come in here and call me an asshole and thats fine, you dont know me anymore then I know you. You won't know me anymore then I know you and in turn our lives will still be exactly the same. For those who did stick up for me it means alot.

    I'm sorry this is so long, I just wanted it to be thorough and as fair to myself as it is to Autumn. She's not a bad person but she is a bad admin, she shouldnt lose it as with anything, she'll learn because its important to her. I'm not the ideal player and shouldnt be considered so but I deserve the same fairness that she does. I'm not above the law, I get punished for it when I do break the rules but one thing I'm not known for is to be a constant offender.

    Also sorry to add this but I'm not well regarded here and that's my fault as I allow myself to be seen as someone who doesn't take things seriously, as such I come off as a jerk, some people rightly avoid me, others take the time to get to know me and I hope I reward them in showing that I'm just here to have fun and goof around but when they need to talk to me as a person, they can and that I'll treat them respectfully. I'm not on this server to cause problems, this is for fun, If I make friends then I'm happy but I have no real desire to make enemies. Some people will say they don't care at all what others think and that's not all together bad but if anything you should care that people can at least see you as someone who can be decent and respectful when the time truly calls for it. If you need to truly discuss anything with me or talk with me then I promise I'll take it seriously.

    Thanks for letting me post this.
    Last edited by EVL_Ripper; 06-15-2009 at 11:44 PM.

  2. Default

    Quote Originally Posted by EVL_Ripper View Post
    First I want to say..

    Thanks for letting me post this.
    What ever you say man.. +1
    Интернет - как жизнь, смысла нет, а уходить не хочется..

  3. Default

    +10 EVL_Ripper for posting this.

    +10 Clone for taking action against Chelsea's bullshit.

    The Marines are behind you!

  4. #4


    Thank you very much, I really do appreciate it.

  5. Default

    Aw Ripper. I knew your cynical mouth would get you in trouble one of these days. However, I will say that for ever reason a person is muted even if it was considered admin abuse (not implying that this instance is) other admins should not override the mute and rather post it up on the forums.

    Jigsaw's post ripped the words right out of my mouth. I could not have said it any better myself. I do think Clone was wrong for unmuting Ripper. And I figured Chelsea would resort to banning him to get Clone to stop unmuting him or just simply not to listen to Ripper agrovate Chelsea again. I would say the hour ban was a little to extreme for a punishment or even a ban at all.

    As for Clone, I've noticed he's using his admin more and more inappropriately. He starts pulling very uncommon admin commands out of nowhere and taking advantage of it frequently (things like gaining health and talking via console). I don't know but I am beginning to feel a bad vibe coming from him now. Back then he was cool, but since his admin was activated...I don't know...

  6. Default

    Quote Originally Posted by TheLittlestHobo View Post
    Aw Ripper. I knew your cynical mouth would get you in trouble one of these days. However, I will say that for ever reason a person is muted even if it was considered admin abuse (not implying that this instance is) other admins should not override the mute and rather post it up on the forums.

    Jigsaw's post ripped the words right out of my mouth. I could not have said it any better myself. I do think Clone was wrong for unmuting Ripper. And I figured Chelsea would resort to banning him to get Clone to stop unmuting him or just simply not to listen to Ripper agrovate Chelsea again. I would say the hour ban was a little to extreme for a punishment or even a ban at all.

    As for Clone, I've noticed he's using his admin more and more inappropriately. He starts pulling very uncommon admin commands out of nowhere and taking advantage of it frequently (things like gaining health and talking via console). I don't know but I am beginning to feel a bad vibe coming from him now. Back then he was cool, but since his admin was activated...I don't know...
    To clear things up I did not ban him for one hour.

    I banned for 5 minutes.


    That’s the funny thing about trolls: They love to do something horrible, then accuse you of doing something horrible when you call them on it.

  7. #7


    I have no problems excepting punishment for when I'm wrong but I do expect it to be fair as I do for everyone else. Case in point JoJo, she's a fuckin pain in the ass loud mouth but I've seen her in that server doing nothing but minding her own business, being quiet and not bothering anyone and I've seen people just jump down her throat to get her started. What happens when they succeed? She gets muted, kicked or banned. The people who started first? Usually nothing. That isnt fair, they're just as guilty. As for the ban, the ban wasn't for what I did wrong as I didn't unmute myself, not once did I even tried to evade it. I dont know anything about Clone's console commands as I don't look at that.

  8. Default

    Quote Originally Posted by walterbrunswick View Post
    +10 EVL_Ripper for posting this.

    +10 Clone for taking action against Chelsea's bullshit.

    The Marines are behind you!
    I have a very good reply to this.

    But I'm not going to say anything.

    I'll let you be the asshole in this situation.


    That’s the funny thing about trolls: They love to do something horrible, then accuse you of doing something horrible when you call them on it.

  9. Default



  10. Default

    Quote Originally Posted by EVL_Ripper View Post
    I have no problems excepting punishment for when I'm wrong but I do expect it to be fair as I do for everyone else. Case in point JoJo, she's a fuckin pain in the ass loud mouth but I've seen her in that server doing nothing but minding her own business, being quiet and not bothering anyone and I've seen people just jump down her throat to get her started. What happens when they succeed? She gets muted, kicked or banned. The people who started first? Usually nothing. That isnt fair, they're just as guilty. As for the ban, the ban wasn't for what I did wrong as I didn't unmute myself, not once did I even tried to evade it. I dont know anything about Clone's console commands as I don't look at that.
    I guess I have to repeat myself for people to understand. I saw you as the problem. Because I knew the muting and ummuting would continue. I can't kick Clone, let alone do anything to him, and you were the focus of the issue, so I banned you FOR FIVE MINUTES. Please, get that piece of information right. Anyways, you speak of playfulness on your part? Ripper, if you took the time to actually converse with me, to get to know me, you'd know that when I cuss up a storm, it means nothing. I'm usually laughing while I'm cussing. And if that doesn't give away my playfulness, then I'm lost as to what playfulness is. I have nothing personal against you, and I'm sorry you were brought into the middle of the bickering between Clone and I, but you do insult me quite often. On a daily basis, actually. That was also part of your ban. I was tired of it. It was one of those bans that was built up...

    I can never tell when you're joking and when you aren't, because as you stated, I "don't know you". And you don't know me. And since you don't know me, you wouldn't know what kind of admin I really am. Since you're always insulting me, you're always on my bad side. Hence you never see the good side of me. So I believe that is an unfair assumption from you.

    And as for Jojo, I agree with you. Hence why I'm trying to stop it. You're never really on when both Jojo and I are on. Whenever someone cracks something rude/degrading about her, I'm instantly on their ass about it. And if I don't hear it, she sometimes (she's getting better at it) tells me and I'll jump on them instantly. When people change their name to make a cracked reference to her, I force them to change it. This is where the whole thing of me taking the fun out of ZM comes about. When people say something to her, to get her fired, I either warn to mute, and if it's a second offense, I mute.

    If you're going to talk aboout fairness, please, please, please, fully know what you're doing and what's going on, so you don't make assumptions. I know I'm the not BEST admin out there, I'm human I make mistakes, as Walter likes to say, but I'm working on being a good admin Like inthebutt and James.

    And I don't know about you, but since this high misunderstanding, from reading your essay, I think we need to start over sometime. Deal?

    That’s the funny thing about trolls: They love to do something horrible, then accuse you of doing something horrible when you call them on it.

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