banned deadman.
came onto server.
intetionaly TKed and started running his mouth about wanting to be banned. did him a favor
banned deadman.
came onto server.
intetionaly TKed and started running his mouth about wanting to be banned. did him a favor
okay didnt tk... and didnt run my mouth never said wanted to get banned just asked if a ban would be perma. didnt say ban me just asked. also my friend tked but it was because a guy kepts blocking him for no reason. so he shot him. look at what ever you have the logs i guess to see if i tked any one. and if i did run my mouth what did i say? ( come on man lie some more. )
ok really if you did or didnt do whatever... who are we gonna believe... a trusted admin or some random guy who nobody knows.... if whyt banned u for being a d-bag then you have been banned for being a d-bag... get over it...
also dont make posts in multiple areas of the forums...
posted once then whyt posted his after mine. plus really dont see how im being a "D-bag" didnt say anything offencive didnt "tk" as put by whyt besides in your tos it says need a demo for it to be a perma so i want a demo of me tking and me runnin my mouth since I am aperently a stupid moron who cant seem to remember where the hell i was or wtf i was doing. and dont give me that trust stuff i want this to be proven by the system not by " im a experinced admin and i dont need demos my eyes are demos so demo dez nuts " <-- little quote from ppl some where in the forums. so i await for a demo if a demo is not provied i would like to say admin abuse on whytboi and all nessesary actions be taken. im not saying this as a "steath clan member", but as a regular gamer that stops by every 3 months to see if he has gotten better at a game. ( put the stealth clan member thing up there cause some one told me ibis hates anyone from stealth)