i actually had to make me another account. y u may ask. for a recent ban that one of ur admins did. the reason it is in the ban section and not in the unban me section ( which is funny that u had to add that ) is because i dont care if im unbaned or not. the reason y its not in the admin abuse section is because in the past ive come to relize what will happen if i call a admin out on it. so no admin names will be spoken ( but it would be amazing if the admin came up and said that they banned me ) <--- unlikly senario

but really i want to know the reason i was perma ban. i didnt ask for a perma ban at all. one of my friends said " lets get banned by tking" i said " no, no, yes.... i mean no". then ur admin said " i can ban you on request if you like." i said " will it be a perma ban?" after that i went on playing saw the lakers tag on there names and jsut said " woot kobe is a transvestite." few seconds later perma banned by admin.

good job..... now i want a explination of the ban. a demo if you have one. and for no one to try to back sas me and i wont back sas you.
EDIT: the response is taking a longer time than usual.... hmmmmm wonder y