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Thread: mod

  1. Default mod

    anyone gonna check out neotokyo the new mod coming out right today heard kavinsky in one thread looking forward to it i'm eager right now spamming my refresh button

    Edit its out
    Last edited by mastercheff; 07-03-2009 at 08:10 PM.

  2. Default

    another Hl2 mod ?!?!?!?

  3. Default

    yea damn good one i have to say

  4. Default

    if its super good, me and zero just may put up a server

    Live or die, make your choice.

  5. Default

    downloading now via torrent, may take awhile, now..... wheres my god damn black mesa?!

  6. Default

    yea, i'm downloading it now as well, I'll send you a steam message when its down and I can start owning ya :P

    Live or die, make your choice.

  7. Default

    What does the mod do?

  8. Default

    ever heard of ghost in the shell? its the css version of it.

  9. Default

    Quote Originally Posted by Kavinsky View Post
    ever heard of ghost in the shell? its the css version of it.
    Thanks for explaining! Other than looking like the show, is there anything different about it? Does it somehow lay out objectives that follow the show?

  10. Default

    yea like ctf instead its capture the ghost you have to capture a robotic torso also i can't play it cause for some reason when i download stuff it makes window explorer crash so i hope steam lets you download it of it
    Last edited by mastercheff; 07-04-2009 at 07:42 AM.

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