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Thread: STEAM_0:0:2495299 "KiLLinGSpRee|NaDeR" - Perm ban aimbotter

  1. Default STEAM_0:0:2495299 "KiLLinGSpRee|NaDeR" - Perm ban aimbotter


    When: 11:00pm EST
    Where: ZM server - zm_winterfun
    Why: Using aimbot

    Credits goto inthebutt for saying that someone was using wall (he didn't know exactly, but I found who).

  2. Default

    Good job, guys.

  3. Default

    Quote Originally Posted by Christmas View Post
    Good job, guys.

    That’s the funny thing about trolls: They love to do something horrible, then accuse you of doing something horrible when you call them on it.

  4. Default

    another one bites the dust

  5. Default

    So many hackers lately..

    The whole problem with the world is that fools and fanatics are always so certain of themselves, but wiser people so full of doubts.

  6. Default

    Quote Originally Posted by TheLittlestHobo View Post

    When: 11:00pm EST
    Where: ZM server - zm_winterfun
    Why: Using aimbot

    Credits goto inthebutt for saying that someone was using wall (he didn't know exactly, but I found who).
    nope nope the credit goes to the admin, not me, I'm just another player.

    COOKIES FOR HOBO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    plus he's been taking really good care of the "GOD LIKE PENIS WRINKLES"

    kudos for him.
    -The enemy of my enemy is my friend-

  7. Default

    Those.. Aren't.. COOKIES..

    The whole problem with the world is that fools and fanatics are always so certain of themselves, but wiser people so full of doubts.

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