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Thread: Chainsaw mod? + other things (zmod)

  1. Default Chainsaw mod? + other things (zmod)

    I was thinking why did we always start out with so much money. I mean i think humans that live long should get more money cause they can loot things. Humans that live the full round should get 16k then so on, kills give 300 thats fair I think, or for zombies win the starting zombie should get 16k. Now with that we can add a chain saw into the game it be really good against the deform but the draw back is that they can have a gun only pistol and zombies can tag team them. I think that make the game fun and fair maybe add awps but nerf there damage so I can stop yelling at consel buyers. I think these are some good ideas for the zmod server

  2. Default

    if you restricted money how would i buy a p90 to cade but on the other hand the chainsaw would get me kills to get money seems like a good idea but i don't know about the entire no 16k
    my budget for cading is 3,300$ for a p90 and duelies good thing they give you a nade at the beginning of everyround

  3. Default

    I think those are horrible ideas.

    Also you shouldn't yell at console buyers. You should ban them. It is against the rules.

  4. Default

    Quote Originally Posted by Christmas View Post
    I think those are horrible ideas.

    Also you shouldn't yell at console buyers. You should ban them. It is against the rules.
    I dont like banning people I like giving warnings and kicking and or freezing

  5. Default

    Quote Originally Posted by Pink View Post
    I dont like banning people I like giving warnings and kicking and or freezing
    Whether you like it or not isn't the issue.

    If they continue to console buy they need to be banned.

  6. Default

    Quote Originally Posted by Christmas View Post
    Whether you like it or not isn't the issue.

    If they continue to console buy they need to be banned.
    console buying = 1 day ban
    -The enemy of my enemy is my friend-

  7. Default

    just give ban hammers left and right pink

  8. Default

    If someone console buys you give them about 20 seconds to drop the weapon after you tell them via voice and chat. If they don't comply, ban them for a day.

    Anyway, as for your idea.. It isn't a good one, sorry. Everyone would start out with pistols. No one could barricade. It would be very, very bad.

    So yeah, when are they making that new server for escape maps only with no rank and turning the current ZM server into a cade map only server?

    The whole problem with the world is that fools and fanatics are always so certain of themselves, but wiser people so full of doubts.

  9. Default

    cade ftw :P

  10. Default

    I thought it was a good idea, I mean not every one can buy the best guns right away, but they still get some guns

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