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Thread: my 1000 post

  1. Default

    Quote Originally Posted by Vladninja View Post

    Autumn, Walter, and now even Christmas.
    I am sick of you all fucking fighting over stupid shit. I am taking a week off from any forum threads I see you all flaming in... starting now. I am leaving all of your groups and I will not be responding to any personal messages from any of you for the week. I'm sure this wont really matter in shutting you guys up but I have to try something. If you guys continue to make it look like this is what IBIS admins care about in the forums I am gonna start thinking Zero needs to temp ban you guys till you work this out or can stop disgracing the forums. I dont care who started it... you children need to be put in seperate corners.

    You all need to chill out and get over it.
    Someone needs to bitch slap each and every one of you.
    LMFAO AMEN, that's exactly what i was thinking, truer words could not have been spoken cause i was going to say it if u didn't i mean holy shit someone needs to beat the shit out of em all to make em realize how pointless it is to fight over the interent. and chritsmas u too need to chill and realize how pointless it is...not trying to start shit but comon im sure u all can do better then what u all have been doing so far....even though the thought of that is unlikely...WE NEED A INTERVENTION and take a break from this game for 1 day and the forums..maybe a week
    Last edited by Shinkiro; 07-31-2009 at 01:10 AM.

  2. Default

    Didn't I just say how pointless this fighting was a few posts ago in a quote? Finally, people that realize it to be true!

    The whole problem with the world is that fools and fanatics are always so certain of themselves, but wiser people so full of doubts.

  3. Default

    Vlad and Shinkiro, I'm not jabbing at anyone here.

  4. Default

    Quote Originally Posted by Vladninja View Post
    Autumn, Walter, and now even Christmas.
    I am sick of you all fucking fighting over stupid shit. I am taking a week off from any forum threads I see you all flaming in... starting now. I am leaving all of your groups and I will not be responding to any personal messages from any of you for the week. I'm sure this wont really matter in shutting you guys up but I have to try something. If you guys continue to make it look like this is what IBIS Admins care about in the forums/in game I am gonna start thinking Zero needs to temp ban you guys (from the forums) till you work this out or can stop disgracing the IBIS forums. I dont care who started it... you children need to be put in seperate corners.

    You all need to chill out and get over it.
    Someone needs to bitch slap each and every one of you.
    Im tired of wasting my time reading your stupid personal jabs...
    I haven't said SHIT. *I* stopped.

    even inthebutt and I are chattering on a friendly level.

    and btw, I have yet to see where I am personally attacking people.

    That’s the funny thing about trolls: They love to do something horrible, then accuse you of doing something horrible when you call them on it.

  5. Default

    We are saying this as in general considering that we constantly notice the bullshit nitpicking so we both know that it needs to end..that is really all

  6. Default

    Quote Originally Posted by Shinkiro View Post
    We are saying this as in general considering that we constantly notice the bullshit nitpicking so we both know that it needs to end..that is really all

  7. Default

    Quote Originally Posted by Shinkiro View Post
    We are saying this as in general considering that we constantly notice the bullshit nitpicking so we both know that it needs to end..that is really all
    I'd appreciate it if you didn't get on my case unless I actually was part of the bitch fest.

    You are essentially admitting to painting a broad brush just because.

  8. Default

    christmas is just as much of an asshole on the server as I am.

    walter is cool on the server when I'm there but after I leave is a different story.

    walter and autumn are never gonna get along. I don't know why you guys are trying to hard.

    I'm amazed at how what I meant to be just one post turns into 5 pages of excitement/hate/bitterness/love.
    -The enemy of my enemy is my friend-

  9. Default

    Quote Originally Posted by inthebutt View Post
    christmas is just as much of an asshole on the server as I am.

    walter is cool on the server when I'm there but after I leave is a different story.

    walter and autumn are never gonna get along. I don't know why you guys are trying to hard.

    I'm amazed at how what I meant to be just one post turns into 5 pages of excitement/hate/bitterness/love.
    I've always been a cool admin lol.

    And excitement/hate/bitterness/love is what makes life worth living!<3

  10. Default

    Quote Originally Posted by Christmas View Post
    I'd appreciate it if you didn't get on my case unless I actually was part of the bitch fest.

    You are essentially admitting to painting a broad brush just because.
    Cool story bro.

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