Originally Posted by
I just want to kno if you do or dont. Just tell me so i know, we can be not friends and not flame each other or we can bring it to flame of hell. Or we can be happy friends, which is the best choice.

Originally Posted by
Weeman we can be friends and act like friends if you want. But if you choice not to, I will give you hell untill you do. But I hope we can be friends, I was just really mad, since there isnt that many female admins... felt like you laughing at me. So we can be friends, just tell me how you feel in a PM.
I don't know you.. Hence I feel nothing.. Add me when I'm in game
P.S. Please revise your sentences next time.. I don't mind you sending me 2 pm's that state the exact same thing.. This is not to insult you, but I was extremely and utterly confused when reading your PM..
Just so you know, when trying to get friends.. its very bad to black mail.. and in case you ever try.. I have a much higher experience in the server (a complete understatement) I could literally rub your name in the dirt.. then drive over it with a monster truck 99 times..
and also when someone does you a favor.. you do not cuss at them..
and unless the proof proves otherwise.. No one in the server is considered a gal or a guy.. we are all treated the same..