Admins' INGAME name: Hitman | ibis.a
You're INGAME name: [cie] &&toasties | ibis.a | rq and my friend [cie] LeatherBelt
Map: Blue Arena.
Time: About 3 pm, central.
How did he abuse: He slayed another player out of spite because that person Killed him with like 3 hp left. He continued to state, "3HP?! That's bullshit! That's fucking bullshit, man." (something along those lines NOT verbatim.) He thus proceeded to slay him.
Proof: I thought I had proof, I was already demoing Fish, because of a dispute between us, and I never stopped the demo. But what Res told me, is you have to have a number by the demoname. Well, I didn't do that, but it recorded all the way until the map BEFORE the actual abuse happened. Then it stopped...pissed me off.
I don't particularly want him to get into trouble, I just want to bring to his attention that this is NOT a legitimate reason to slay someone. My friend left shortly after:
[cie]Leather Belt: sigh...
[cie]Leather Belt: ahh you probally dont even care if i quit css...
[cie] Autumn | ibis.a | rq: What he did wasn't right.
[cie]Leather Belt: ik
I thus proceeded to let him know how to report it, but he had to go:
[cie]Leather Belt: It didn't work.
[cie]Leather Belt: But I gotta go anyway so tell me sometime later, alright?
[cie]Leather Belt: Ciao.
Something about his steam ID.
So anyways, Hitmans a good guy, he just has a bit of a temper, like the rest of us. I just want him to understand that GG doesn't run like that.
I mean this in no way a personal attack.