yeah, just letting you guys know, and zero, that oasis has finally bought admin.
in b4 QQ ect.
yeah, just letting you guys know, and zero, that oasis has finally bought admin.
in b4 QQ ect.
Why are so many people deciding to get admin lol! It seems as though this summer, there has been quite a lot.
Well, I trust you can be a good admin since you often played in the server and respected the rules...except for that one time when you caused so much hell for me and that mic spam account to grief the server. Other than that, thumbs up.
"Nothing beats the hobo life, stabbin folks with my hobo"
yay oasis bought admin
At least we know you'll behave.
That’s the funny thing about trolls: They love to do something horrible, then accuse you of doing something horrible when you call them on it.
I'm tempted too, so I can freeze, burn and beacon cade breakers who break my cade or slap blockers in the vent out of my way and into the open then freeze and beacon them for zbait.
Get a microphone first, Kavinsky.