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Thread: Banned For No Reason

  1. Post Banned For No Reason

    hey i was on the server today and i was playing and minding my own buisness and was also in vent not saying a word literally. so sid asked y i was kicked out of magops. i said becuz i had more brains and was wondering y i havent played in cal for the pass 2 weeks when ive been in magops longer then any of the new people. so me and whytboiz had a quarrel and now he kicked me out of magops. off the team for cal. banned me from the pub becuz he said i was mic spamming he muted me when i was just playing and rarely talk just to tell where people were. and since i was muted for no reason i retryed the server so ask y i was muted and he banned me and kicked me. every1 who knows me well on this server knows i follow the rules and i dont mic spam. i have andubar and sid who witnessed this abuse of admin. i was also banned from vent becuz i was supposedly mic spamming when i was in there and mark my word i didnt say a single thing i was in there being completly silent just to see if they were talking about me. and whyt also banned me and kicked me from vent for mic spamming. if this isnt admin abuse then idk what is. now looking at the other posts that whytboiz replyed to save his ass they were very poorly descriptive and im not one to talk about some1 else so im just gunna stop now. ive also heard that many people think whytboiz is abusing and i didnt believe them at first but this just proved to me. and i dont normally post in forums and when if i get banned for a good reason i dont complain. but i did nothing wrong to desearve this ban and i have witnesses. when sid was asked why i was banned whyt replying i was being disrepective and mic spamming and then told sid to mind his buiesness. i think it was wrong and very unjust to ban me just becuz he has a problem with me over a tornament and a team. plz get back to me about this and plz let me know whats goin on.


  2. Default

    you were banned for 7 days for disrespect and by passing my mute

    you said you "had more brains" then me. you qued your mic, and BLEW into it. both in game and in vent. sid wasnt on our team so he couldnt hear what you said while alive.

    you were being very disrespectful. so i muted you. you chose to by pass the mute so i banned you. when you come back next sunday i hope you have a new out look on how to play CS.

    in vent, you were like i said, blowing into mic, mcbad and projects and any1 else in there will tell you.

    you were kicked out of magops for a few reasons. youre a cancer to the team and i will not tolerate your type of play. you do not support whats best for the team and constantly bitch. every new additional member thinks youre imature and never scrims when youre on. ETC ETC

    you lose sir, good day

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    if u can prove that i blew into the mic in pub and in vent then i wont oppose this ban. sid wasnt on our team but i was dead and so was he and u when i said i had more brain i didnt say i have more brains then u i just said i have more brains. so if u can prove i was blowing into the mic then enjoy the ban. but i know for a fact what i said and did and thers a bunch of regs like me on the serve who know i dont mic spam and know that i dont disrespect admins. if i did then i wouldve been baned long ago. so good day to u sir. what ever problems u have with me talk to me about them dont seis my gameplay on ibis just cuz u have problems with me.

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    i have no proof other then my mute.

    i dont want to seis your playing on ibis, which is why you got a 7 day ban(zero and i talked about perm bans, and ill only do that for haxors!)

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    "so sid asked y i was kicked out of magops. i said becuz i had more brains and was wondering y i havent played in cal for the pass 2 weeks when ive been in magops longer then any of the new people. so me and whytboiz had a quarrel and now he kicked me out of magops. off the team for cal."

    dont make it out like Whyt has this big problem with you and is out to get you.
    FTR you got kicked off MagOp. because you got pissed and left the scrim even after Whyt said play it out and work on strat. Then you left vent and d/c steam so no one could get in touch with you for another scrim and left the whole team hanging. now dude you know i got no problems with no one, but that shit was weak man really weak

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    Quote Originally Posted by Bridan View Post
    hey i was on the server today and i was playing and minding my own buisness and was also in vent not saying a word literally. so sid asked y i was kicked out of magops. i said becuz i had more brains and was wondering y i havent played in cal for the pass 2 weeks when ive been in magops longer then any of the new people. so me and whytboiz had a quarrel and now he kicked me out of magops. off the team for cal. banned me from the pub becuz he said i was mic spamming he muted me when i was just playing and rarely talk just to tell where people were. and since i was muted for no reason i retryed the server so ask y i was muted and he banned me and kicked me. every1 who knows me well on this server knows i follow the rules and i dont mic spam. i have andubar and sid who witnessed this abuse of admin. i was also banned from vent becuz i was supposedly mic spamming when i was in there and mark my word i didnt say a single thing i was in there being completly silent just to see if they were talking about me. and whyt also banned me and kicked me from vent for mic spamming. if this isnt admin abuse then idk what is. now looking at the other posts that whytboiz replyed to save his ass they were very poorly descriptive and im not one to talk about some1 else so im just gunna stop now. ive also heard that many people think whytboiz is abusing and i didnt believe them at first but this just proved to me. and i dont normally post in forums and when if i get banned for a good reason i dont complain. but i did nothing wrong to desearve this ban and i have witnesses. when sid was asked why i was banned whyt replying i was being disrepective and mic spamming and then told sid to mind his buiesness. i think it was wrong and very unjust to ban me just becuz he has a problem with me over a tornament and a team. plz get back to me about this and plz let me know whats goin on.

    Bridan, you bypassed the mute which warranted the ban. If you had a problem with the mute you needed to post in the admin abuse section, not bypass the mute.

    The ban stays at 7 days.

    Live or die, make your choice.

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