112/5 ? Seriously.. I have no idea..
Just played 2hours with this new race alias Eva01.
My though? It suck. Extremely to powerful to be only lvl 275 req. I would added a few more race and put that one in the lvl 500 req.
And just after that, peoples are just gonna Ragequit because you're "race" is way to powerful so it make the game not fun anymore. First you're just gonna kill everyone, so no one gonna be able to level their mid-race, then after that you're teamate ain't gonna level neither cause you're killing everyone. We were 20peoples when the maps started and we ended with 6 i think?
Come on.
Longjump + Speed + Deagle + P90 ?? Right at the start..? You gotta be kidding me. Yeah, you wont be able to buy weapon, but who need weapon when you got a "free" deagle and P90..
You just need to buy you're own item to be invisible after that... My score prove it.
For me, i just use it because i want every skill on every race. That about it.
For others it more for total destruction.. *coughVanillaHcough* ^^"