where: GG server
when: 8:30 pm central USA
why: toggled aimbot
length: Perma

Side notes: i happened to be muckraking threw the forums when i saw a new post in the rules section by owns. i DLed her demo but couldnt watch it due to non DLed map so i joined the most likley server she would be in, GG, under a diff name and speced the defendant. The link to Owns demo is here, http://www.ibisgaming.com/forums/sho...8536#post98536

my demo is at the end of the post.

Obv aim botting.

Zero, the SB_status is at the VERY end of the demo. i type it in console immeditaly after i put my tag on for the banning process
order of end demo events opened perma ban menu, put tag on, tpyed "SB_status", stop