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Thread: Fucking Hackers...

  1. Arrow Fucking Hackers...

    A hack bot of some sort exploited an old no longer used script and hacked the server adding hidden links to adverts ect all over the website. The directories are being deleted and fixed and the exploitable scripts removed. Note that no actual data was compromised this worm simply went around editing/creating html files to spread adverts. I would recommend that anyone that used the site today after 3:00pm est to run anti spybot and anti virus scans just to make sure that nothing got onto your computers. I have done full scans with my security programs and have found nothing but I am letting you all know just to ensure that your computers are safe.

    This bump has logically delayed my migration but rest assured that in the next two days we will be on the new web server that has the added bonus of additional security such as worm detection!

  2. Default

    uh yea mines is fine my computer anti virus even said you haven't scanned in 3 days take 1 nao!!!! and i was like >.< because i was just home from school

  3. Default

    What a bunch of dicks!

  4. Default

    LOL sorry couldn't resist that picture is funny as shit
    Ibis Steam Contest #2
    Canceled till further notice

    I read people's post purely for amusement I find people's frustration and failure quite funny... after all it's all just a game... you'll die early if you take it too seriously. ^^

    Arrogance - only fags and assholes have them... You know who you are.

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