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Thread: Toasties stop

  1. Default Toasties stop

    Please STOP with the fucking spamming on the forums already. jesus fucking christ

    Zero / Jigsaw can something really be done about this?

    Im gone for 3 hours and i come back to 300+ posts by this lunatic

  2. Default

    I'm drunk and what is this

    Bahaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa autumn what the fcuk

  3. #4


    We can easily fix this Cloud, you said you were gone for 3 hours and saw this, try going away for a much longer time and then it won't seem so bad. I'm thinking try like 3 months? Anyway you people complain too much of the drama yet you like to start shit right out in the open. Why don't you homos just start PMing this shit to each other. I mean some shit is cool to see so we could all laugh at it but Cloud this isn't one of them.

  4. Default

    Quote Originally Posted by EVL_Ripper View Post
    We can easily fix this Cloud, you said you were gone for 3 hours and saw this, try going away for a much longer time and then it won't seem so bad. I'm thinking try like 3 months? Anyway you people complain too much of the drama yet you like to start shit right out in the open. Why don't you homos just start PMing this shit to each other. I mean some shit is cool to see so we could all laugh at it but Cloud this isn't one of them.
    Im posting this here so something could be done. If you want spam, spam shall rule the forums then to the point where the forums will crash and Zero will be very pissed.

  5. Default

    I kind of agree. Autumn's posts such as her 1-word responses or retorts such as "obby<33" or "Buttsecks?" or a series of smilies "" are in fact spam. It's unneeded, Autumn. Just try and cut down on the posting a bit.

  6. Default

    Quote Originally Posted by walterbrunswick View Post
    I kind of agree. Autumn's posts such as her 1-word responses or retorts such as "obby<33" or "Buttsecks?" or a series of smilies "" are in fact spam. It's unneeded, Autumn. Just try and cut down on the posting a bit.

    That’s the funny thing about trolls: They love to do something horrible, then accuse you of doing something horrible when you call them on it.

  7. Default

    I think ibis found it's new drama queen.

    Walter, I think you're going to have to hand over your crown.


    That’s the funny thing about trolls: They love to do something horrible, then accuse you of doing something horrible when you call them on it.

  8. Default

    autumn really???

    do you not know to edit your post??

    seriously it is starting to get annoying to have to read through your pointless post to get to the end of a thread.

    since nobody has asked you nicely I will.

    will you please stop spamming, bumping, pointless threads post???
    -The enemy of my enemy is my friend-

  9. Default

    Quote Originally Posted by inthebutt View Post
    autumn really???

    do you not know to edit your post??

    seriously it is starting to get annoying to have to read through your pointless post to get to the end of a thread.

    since nobody has asked you nicely I will.

    will you please stop spamming, bumping, pointless threads post???
    Since you asked nicely without screaming and crying like a dramatic princess who isn't getting anally fucked.

    I'll TRY to cut back.

    But I'm still going to have my fun.


    That’s the funny thing about trolls: They love to do something horrible, then accuse you of doing something horrible when you call them on it.

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