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Thread: Getchas Not so Gay Expierence

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  1. Wink Getchas Not so Gay Expierence

    This is a Post on me trying to convert Getcha/Silly into a lesbian

    ๖ۣۜPotΔto[ﺕ]: oh i wanted to know if u like chicks ^_^
    »«SiLLyLiLHoTTie(●̮•̃)»«: What!?
    »«SiLLyLiLHoTTie(●̮•̃)»«: Omg lol
    ๖ۣۜPotΔto[ﺕ]: do u like girls
    »«SiLLyLiLHoTTie(●̮•̃)»«: why would you ask me that
    »«SiLLyLiLHoTTie(●̮•̃)»«: lol
    »«SiLLyLiLHoTTie(●̮•̃)»«: omgh no
    ๖ۣۜPotΔto[ﺕ]: no chance at all O.o
    »«SiLLyLiLHoTTie(●̮•̃)»«: Omgsh LoL Why Are You Asking Me That LoL
    »«SiLLyLiLHoTTie(●̮•̃)»«: No Chance!!!
    ๖ۣۜPotΔto[ﺕ]: You sure
    »«SiLLyLiLHoTTie(●̮•̃)»«: I Use To THough =x
    »«SiLLyLiLHoTTie(●̮•̃)»«: LoL
    ๖ۣۜPotΔto[ﺕ]: orly?
    »«SiLLyLiLHoTTie(●̮•̃)»«: I Use To Do Bad Bad Things
    »«SiLLyLiLHoTTie(●̮•̃)»«: LoL
    »«SiLLyLiLHoTTie(●̮•̃)»«: Rofl
    ๖ۣۜPotΔto[ﺕ]: U did naughty stuff with girls befor oOooo
    »«SiLLyLiLHoTTie(●̮•̃)»«: I Have Noooo Idea Why I Just Told You That
    »«SiLLyLiLHoTTie(●̮•̃)»«: Okkkk Nowwww
    »«SiLLyLiLHoTTie(●̮•̃)»«: LoL Yea Im Like Exausted
    ๖ۣۜPotΔto[ﺕ]: cuz ur honest
    ๖ۣۜPotΔto[ﺕ]: and u still might like them
    »«SiLLyLiLHoTTie(●̮•̃)»«: No I Don't, LoL Trust Me
    ๖ۣۜPotΔto[ﺕ]: Well that ruined my plan
    »«SiLLyLiLHoTTie(●̮•̃)»«: !?!?!?!?!?!?!
    »«SiLLyLiLHoTTie(●̮•̃)»«: Im Soooo Confused
    ๖ۣۜPotΔto[ﺕ]: oka in the server likes girls. her ex dumped her and her heart is broken u could totaly cheer her up wink wink
    »«SiLLyLiLHoTTie(●̮•̃)»«: LoL What In The World Are You Freaking Talking About!?!?!?!?!
    ๖ۣۜPotΔto[ﺕ]: loka*
    »«SiLLyLiLHoTTie(●̮•̃)»«: OMG EWWWWWW
    »«SiLLyLiLHoTTie(●̮•̃)»«: You SIOckO
    »«SiLLyLiLHoTTie(●̮•̃)»«: SickO
    ๖ۣۜPotΔto[ﺕ]: Aww but ur a girl and shes sad arnt u girls suppose to cheer each other up
    »«SiLLyLiLHoTTie(●̮•̃)»«: Omg Potato
    »«SiLLyLiLHoTTie(●̮•̃)»«: Bad to BAD
    »«SiLLyLiLHoTTie(●̮•̃)»«: Potato*
    ๖ۣۜPotΔto[ﺕ]: but but she has feeligns dont u girls care bout those and stuff?
    »«SiLLyLiLHoTTie(●̮•̃)»«: I Don't Even Know Her
    »«SiLLyLiLHoTTie(●̮•̃)»«: I Don't Know ANything ABout Her
    ๖ۣۜPotΔto[ﺕ]: but u could get to know her if u know what i mean
    »«SiLLyLiLHoTTie(●̮•̃)»«: POTATO
    »«SiLLyLiLHoTTie(●̮•̃)»«: Im Straight!!!!!!!
    »«SiLLyLiLHoTTie(●̮•̃)»«: LoL WOW
    ๖ۣۜPotΔto[ﺕ]: Fine be that way ruin my dream of ibis lesbos on ibis
    ๖ۣۜPotΔto[ﺕ]: how could u stomp on my dreams
    »«SiLLyLiLHoTTie(●̮•̃)»«: <----- OMG ROFL
    ๖ۣۜPotΔto[ﺕ]: I would totaly meet some random girl if u asked me to
    ๖ۣۜPotΔto[ﺕ]: Hmm well i dont want to make her feel worse so ill tell her u like her anyway kay?
    »«SiLLyLiLHoTTie(●̮•̃)»«: Nooooooooooooooo
    »«SiLLyLiLHoTTie(●̮•̃)»«: LoL
    »«SiLLyLiLHoTTie(●̮•̃)»«: Omg Potato Quit It
    ๖ۣۜPotΔto[ﺕ]: But but dont u want to meet her i could totaly invite er into chat with ya
    ๖ۣۜPotΔto[ﺕ]: lol now u sound wierded out
    »«SiLLyLiLHoTTie(●̮•̃)»«: LoL
    »«SiLLyLiLHoTTie(●̮•̃)»«: I Am!!!!!
    »«SiLLyLiLHoTTie(●̮•̃)»«: I'm Trying To Think....
    ๖ۣۜPotΔto[ﺕ]: I think I should invite her into chat just to see what u would say when I told her that u like her ^_^
    »«SiLLyLiLHoTTie(●̮•̃)»«: Wait What Is It Exactly That You Wanted Me To Do
    ๖ۣۜPotΔto[ﺕ]: Idunno u said u were with girls befor idunno what girls do together
    »«SiLLyLiLHoTTie(●̮•̃)»«: LoL Potato Stop Be Good
    »«SiLLyLiLHoTTie(●̮•̃)»«: You Are Just Doing For Your Amusement Arent Youuuu
    »«SiLLyLiLHoTTie(●̮•̃)»«: LoL
    ๖ۣۜPotΔto[ﺕ]: Nuh uh shes totaly real
    »«SiLLyLiLHoTTie(●̮•̃)»«: LoL Hmmmm
    »«SiLLyLiLHoTTie(●̮•̃)»«: If I Do THis
    »«SiLLyLiLHoTTie(●̮•̃)»«: What Do I Get In Return!? ( LOL I DONT MEAN IT LIKE THAT)
    »«SiLLyLiLHoTTie(●̮•̃)»«: For My Amusement
    ๖ۣۜPotΔto[ﺕ]: what do u want lol
    »«SiLLyLiLHoTTie(●̮•̃)»«: I'm Thinking
    »«SiLLyLiLHoTTie(●̮•̃)»«: ^^
    »«SiLLyLiLHoTTie(●̮•̃)»«: I'm Strange Arent I
    »«SiLLyLiLHoTTie(●̮•̃)»«: LoL
    ๖ۣۜPotΔto[ﺕ]: for u to turn lesbo? or cheer her up?
    ๖ۣۜPotΔto[ﺕ]: im so confused on what ur doing and what im doin here
    »«SiLLyLiLHoTTie(●̮•̃)»«: Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
    ๖ۣۜPotΔto[ﺕ]: ur gonna cheer her up
    »«SiLLyLiLHoTTie(●̮•̃)»«: Im Confusedddd
    »«SiLLyLiLHoTTie(●̮•̃)»«: Im Nuts Idk DO SOmething
    ๖ۣۜPotΔto[ﺕ]: do something huh Hmm got it
    »«SiLLyLiLHoTTie(●̮•̃)»«: LoL
    »«SiLLyLiLHoTTie(●̮•̃)»«: What Is It
    »«SiLLyLiLHoTTie(●̮•̃)»«: Telll
    »«SiLLyLiLHoTTie(●̮•̃)»«: Telllllllllllllll
    »«SiLLyLiLHoTTie(●̮•̃)»«: hi

    Then I invited Loka into our chat where Getcha/Silly Refused to talk So I opened up a private chat with her and talked to see if I could convince her to talk but it was a no go but the private chat was pretty funny to me at least.

    ๖ۣۜPotΔto[ﺕ]: I said hi
    ๖ۣۜPotΔto[ﺕ]: ur turn
    »«SiLLyLiLHoTTie(●̮•̃)»«: NO
    »«SiLLyLiLHoTTie(●̮•̃)»«: You didnt do anything
    »«SiLLyLiLHoTTie(●̮•̃)»«: LoL U Jerk
    ๖ۣۜPotΔto[ﺕ]: well dont be mean talk a bit ^_^ i didnt say anything bout u to her
    »«SiLLyLiLHoTTie(●̮•̃)»«: I Hate You!!!!!
    ๖ۣۜPotΔto[ﺕ]: Common its not like she thinks u like her i just may have told her that ur into girls also
    ๖ۣۜPotΔto[ﺕ]: so talk
    »«SiLLyLiLHoTTie(●̮•̃)»«: OMG NO
    »«SiLLyLiLHoTTie(●̮•̃)»«: IM NOT U RETARD
    »«SiLLyLiLHoTTie(●̮•̃)»«: WHY DID YOU LIE
    ๖ۣۜPotΔto[ﺕ]: oh common she dunno u dunno her talk talk
    ๖ۣۜPotΔto[ﺕ]: AWww r u shy all of a sudden
    »«SiLLyLiLHoTTie(●̮•̃)»«: d More Like It
    »«SiLLyLiLHoTTie(●̮•̃)»«: Creeped*
    ๖ۣۜPotΔto[ﺕ]: U didnt even talk lmao are u a homophobe?
    »«SiLLyLiLHoTTie(●̮•̃)»«: Hey Do YouEvenKnow WHat She Looks Like
    ๖ۣۜPotΔto[ﺕ]: Ya ive seen her pic but i only just met her
    »«SiLLyLiLHoTTie(●̮•̃)»«: LoL Becuse Shes..... Srry LoL
    ๖ۣۜPotΔto[ﺕ]: She knows walter
    »«SiLLyLiLHoTTie(●̮•̃)»«: In Real Life Or Just Over Internet>
    »«SiLLyLiLHoTTie(●̮•̃)»«: ?
    ๖ۣۜPotΔto[ﺕ]: Hmm internet i think
    ๖ۣۜPotΔto[ﺕ]: oh btw I didnt tell her ur gay or that u liked her
    »«SiLLyLiLHoTTie(●̮•̃)»«: I Am Not Gay
    ๖ۣۜPotΔto[ﺕ]: lol i know
    »«SiLLyLiLHoTTie(●̮•̃)»«: And I DO Not Like He
    »«SiLLyLiLHoTTie(●̮•̃)»«: I Like Men
    »«SiLLyLiLHoTTie(●̮•̃)»«: Not Girls
    »«SiLLyLiLHoTTie(●̮•̃)»«: MEN
    »«SiLLyLiLHoTTie(●̮•̃)»«: !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    ๖ۣۜPotΔto[ﺕ]: I know lmao but i wanted to see how u would react
    ๖ۣۜPotΔto[ﺕ]: She knows to ^_^ i was just bugging u
    ๖ۣۜPotΔto[ﺕ]: I kinda wanna post this on the forums Getchas Not so Gay Expiernce ^_^
    ๖ۣۜPotΔto[ﺕ]: lmao
    »«SiLLyLiLHoTTie(●̮•̃)»«: LoL I Hate You, LoL Bcause I Know You Did That For Your Amusement Because I'm Different... I Guess The Word Would Be Confident
    »«SiLLyLiLHoTTie(●̮•̃)»«: LoL Youre So Bad
    ๖ۣۜPotΔto[ﺕ]: Yup total amuesement

  2. Default

    that was stupid potato

    you didn't even get to her to talk in that group chat thing

    -1 for you potato
    -The enemy of my enemy is my friend-

  3. Default

    LOL waste of time

  4. Default

    Also Inthebutt it creeps me the fuck out that u posted 9mins after i posted this around 5am. WTF man Are you some creepy cyborg Asian fueled by puppy dogs that does not need sleep? Are you programmed to always be on ibis forums and reply to everything.You freak me the hell out.

    I am tired I am going to bed have fun on forums inthebutt

  5. Default

    lol XD i don't think any lesbian would want getcha with her frenchness

  6. Default

    lol @ this.

  7. Default

    Quote Originally Posted by Potato View Post
    Also Inthebutt it creeps me the fuck out that u posted 9mins after i posted this around 5am. WTF man Are you some creepy cyborg Asian fueled by puppy dogs that does not need sleep? Are you programmed to always be on ibis forums and reply to everything.You freak me the hell out.

    I am tired I am going to bed have fun on forums inthebutt
    you know potato, not everyone is in the same timezone as you and why are you posting shit at 5am too???

    I was up till 4am my time, MST, packing the rest of my stuff to be moved today.

    plus I only reply when I need too, unlike someone here who replies to everything.
    -The enemy of my enemy is my friend-

  8. Default

    Quote Originally Posted by ninja View Post
    LOL waste of time
    Who are you? oh thats right your the shit talker... I'm sorry, I couldn't hear you over how AWESOME I am.
    Sonic logs back into steam: 9/11/10

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