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Thread: a formal complaint to admins

  1. #1

    Default a formal complaint to admins

    the server is just no fun when non of you are around )=
    so waste your lives a little more to make my Z_mod experiance pleasnt =D


    bu seriously it really isnt fun when no admins are on cause all that happens is CADE BREAK HERE cade break there

    !ztele away from zombies

    racisim HARD CORE


    it is unbarable its like anarchy when no admins are on )=

  2. #2


    ps. is there any way to regulate server rules when no admins are on? cause im usally on between 4am-8am central when no one is on

  3. Default

    One we are available (Admins)... I know I am on alot... reachable... usually my friends get hold of me... sometimes through my son who plays as much as I do... I also know we don't always play under our Admin names in order to privately monitor servers... Try adding me as a friend (Chronic) in steam...

    And ps... I don't play Z-mod as much... you can blame Zero for starting a WCS Server... LOL... we live there for most of our lives....

  4. #4


    Quote Originally Posted by ChronicVT View Post
    One we are available (Admins)... I know I am on alot... reachable... usually my friends get hold of me... sometimes through my son who plays as much as I do... I also know we don't always play under our Admin names in order to privately monitor servers... Try adding me as a friend (Chronic) in steam...

    And ps... I don't play Z-mod as much... you can blame Zero for starting a WCS Server... LOL... we live there for most of our lives....
    You aren't supposed to monitor privately. You have to wear your tag at all times.
    I fucking love music
    Rip Paul Gray

    Server rules
    How to report admin abuse
    How to find hackers

  5. Default

    I do wear my tag... just not on my shirt and those who "know me" know how to get hold of me or why I may not be wearing the tag (My son jumps on and off, I don't feel like being bombarded the entire time I am trying to play, I am quiet player, I am paying for Admin and I make "Admin" choices as Chronic <ibis.a>, but play as Rogue, Crack Pot (my son), or I sometimes just want to play)

    I do my job well and have had no complaints, officer! Can I go back to playing now?

    L L

  6. #6


    whatttttt whats the IP for the WCS? im not a big fan of the real game but CSS versions RULE!!!

    and i will add you, i mean ill start payying for admin once i get me first check for military

  7. Default also all the servers are listed at the bottom of the forum home page.

    You can always solve the problem of no admins on by becoming one yourself

  8. #8


    ^ No, no more money for you until the lag is fixed you greedy bastard. Plus there is way too damn many noobs, we need to enforce a mic rule, so they can be helped or more importantly yelled at and berated.

  9. Default

    Add me to your steam friends

    steam : edditch ... im on 24/7 ... just got to holla.. if its 4-8AM.. it'll probably not be me.. but 12PM-2AM GMT-5:00 its probably me
    Ibis Steam Contest #2
    Canceled till further notice

    I read people's post purely for amusement I find people's frustration and failure quite funny... after all it's all just a game... you'll die early if you take it too seriously. ^^

    Arrogance - only fags and assholes have them... You know who you are.

  10. Default


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