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Thread: New Web Server

  1. Arrow New Web Server

    As you can see we are now on the new web server. This however is only the first step as I start a huge number of back end improvements to the site from new features to enhanced security. Over the next few weeks look forward to many more web server and forum updates to come.

    I would like to thank all of you for your continued support of IBIS Gaming. This next year is going to be really important because with all top of the line equipment and software this is the year for IBIS to truly shine. I hope to double the size of IBIS in this next year and thanks to the website and server upgrades we have the technology to support this endeavor. This next year I hope to be more active than ever in ensuring that things are always running smoothly and that we are on course for expansion. There are many new things coming in this next year and I hope that everyone will enjoy them. Let us together create one of the greatest gaming communities on earth and most of all let us all have some fun pwning noobs

    Please report any problems that you are having after the site migration so that they can be corrected quickly

  2. Default

    ZERO the site is really alot faster on my laptop and iPhone.

    Good job
    -The enemy of my enemy is my friend-

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