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Thread: Loud Mute App

  1. Default Loud Mute App

    Real Name: Josh

    Location: OKC: most of the time

    Fav. Gun- all except Para.

    Fav Map- all except Glass Tank and Tesla

    Reason for app: I've been playing ibis on and off for more than 18 months, the last 7 months I've been on consistently. I've had Admin since April and I've never had an Admin Abuse thread on me. I'm fair, mature, and dependable. I've been playing CS for 8 years. I think I could definitely add something to clan.

    I play mostly GG, but sometimes make it over to the RPG.
    Last edited by =|Loud Mute|=; 09-01-2009 at 12:51 AM. Reason: TheLittlestHobo told me too..

  2. Default

    From the look of things, you seem like a decent player. Do you play ZM, GG, WCS, Pub?

    A little more information about yourself would be nice. I.e. Look at other people's applications and branch it off that.

    Other than that, good luck!
    "Nothing beats the hobo life, stabbin folks with my hobo "

  3. Default

    Quote Originally Posted by TheLittlestHobo View Post
    From the look of things, you seem like a decent player. Do you play ZM, GG, WCS, Pub?

    A little more information about yourself would be nice. I.e. Look at other people's applications and branch it off that.

    Other than that, good luck!
    You don't need to give out extra info, Homo just wants to date you...


  4. Default

    Good luck Mute.

    It's definitely fun playing with you while you're drunk.

    Good guy.

    He's just mean.


    That’s the funny thing about trolls: They love to do something horrible, then accuse you of doing something horrible when you call them on it.

  5. Default

    Goodluck buy you might want to edit your OP so that it includes a template that you highlight from another's app.

  6. Default

    I'm a righteous man! I drank holy water once; out of spite of the holy church! I like to pwn noobs, drink beer, and chew tobacco. I like hitting on women and driving my pacer really fast til it runs out of gas. That rhymes! Sweet what else do you all ppl want/ need to know?!?!
    Interdum feror cupidine partium magnarum Europae vincendarum
    Translation: "Sometimes I get this urge to conquer large parts of Europe."
    Loud Mute

  7. Default

    Good Luck.

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