I got banned from the Warcraft server, but there was no admin on...
So can someone unban me please?
Add me on steam and I'll give you my steam ID.
My steam name is Per59.
I got banned from the Warcraft server, but there was no admin on...
So can someone unban me please?
Add me on steam and I'll give you my steam ID.
My steam name is Per59.
If an admin had to go undercover to ban you.. then you must serioulsy be hacking.. Wait for a reply its still early in the morning.. Admins can play without the tag.. when attempting to catch a hacker/asshole ^^... So there may be no one on with an ibis.a tag.. but trust me there was an admin on..
Ibis Steam Contest #2
Canceled till further notice
I read people's post purely for amusement I find people's frustration and failure quite funny... after all it's all just a game... you'll die early if you take it too seriously. ^^
Arrogance - only fags and assholes have them... You know who you are.
i've played with Tyrael a few times and never say anything that showed hacks, maybe a mistake?
What was his in game name?
you guys also know that if there wasn't an admin on and he still got banned, he could have been spamming timeleft and than automatically banned by the mod ZERO put in to prevent people from spamming timeleft to crash the server.
He's just gonna have to wait for ZERO to get around to this.
-The enemy of my enemy is my friend-
lol dicking around like xiao
Well he did not fill out the right format so we can't help him if we do not know what time and what his in game was