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Thread: Just got back from vacation

  1. Default Just got back from vacation

    I know Walter and a couple people saw me on a couple Fridays ago. My PC had just been finished getting a software makeover from a buddy. Then I went to South Dakota last week with the lady friend for vacation. Hit up MT. Rushmore, Custer State park, the Badlands, Mitchell Corn Palace, Wall Drug, was a great time. Places you didnt think you would want to visit, but once you see them, you wonder why you didnt want to. I took over 250 pics, and have lots of stuff to do since I shoot in RAW. Here is one shot so far. Me in the badlands.

    Hope to be on more often now.

  2. Default

    Great shot Fish, that scenery looks breathtaking.

    Upload more pictures when you can!

    Glad to have you back!

  3. Default

    Quote Originally Posted by walterbrunswick View Post
    Great shot Fish, that scenery looks breathtaking.

    Upload more pictures when you can!

    Glad to have you back!
    walter you wish you can set foot on america and expirence the smell of gas/cigarettes and fast food everywhere but yes it does look like a place to escape to let your troubles leave you for the day
    Who are you? oh thats right your the shit talker... I'm sorry, I couldn't hear you over how AWESOME I am.
    Sonic logs back into steam: 9/11/10

  4. Default

    Quote Originally Posted by Holy-Sonic View Post
    walter you wish you can set foot on america and expirence the smell of gas/cigarettes and fast food everywhere but yes it does look like a place to escape to let your troubles leave you for the day
    You know, I was in Rochester, NY for a couple of days when visiting my USMC recruiter, and it was a great time. Looking forward to going back...

  5. Default

    Quote Originally Posted by walterbrunswick View Post
    You know, I was in Rochester, NY for a couple of days when visiting my USMC recruiter, and it was a great time. Looking forward to going back...
    I was just near Rochester today in a game against Keuka.

  6. Default

    Quote Originally Posted by walterbrunswick View Post
    You know, I was in Rochester, NY for a couple of days when visiting my USMC recruiter, and it was a great time. Looking forward to going back...
    i can see that but ehh the smell of fast food man it's so bad argh
    Who are you? oh thats right your the shit talker... I'm sorry, I couldn't hear you over how AWESOME I am.
    Sonic logs back into steam: 9/11/10

  7. Default

    HA im still on vacation in Europe.. im going to be leaving amsterdam tomorrow and going to Paris... the red light district is the best place in the world... i have expected to see a lot of the regulars there since they all whore themselves out to the girls on CSS... Getcha, Autumn, holy, etc....


    "If BBW's were candy I would have one every day hahahaahha"
    "Have you every heard of the dating website well I check out the website HAHHAHAHAHAHAHHAAHHA"
    "I have a super power called retarded... but i use it sparingly"


  8. Default

    Quote Originally Posted by walterbrunswick View Post
    You know, I was in Rochester, NY for a couple of days when visiting my USMC recruiter, and it was a great time. Looking forward to going back...
    There's nothing in Rochester. Ew.

  9. Default

    Quote Originally Posted by -=NYS=- C.O. View Post
    There's nothing in Rochester. Ew.

    Maybe it was the company I was with.


    Fish, I am eager to see these photos!! Schnelle! Los!

  10. Default

    Welcome back, lover.


    That’s the funny thing about trolls: They love to do something horrible, then accuse you of doing something horrible when you call them on it.

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