"Punishment Park" is a pseudo-documentary purporting to be a film crews's news coverage of the team of soldiers escorting a group of hippies, draft dodgers, and anti-establishment types across the desert in a type of capture the flag game. The soldiers vow not to interfere with the rebels' progress and merely shepherd them along to their destination. At that point, having obtained their goal, they will be released. The film crew's coverage is meant to insure that the military's intentions are honorable. As the representatives of the 60's counter-culture get nearer to passing this arbitrary test, the soldiers become increasingly hostile, attempting to force the hippies out of their pacifist behavior.
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I just got done watching this and thought it was a fantastic film. Some of you might find this film boring, but the point of the film is about police brutality and brainwashed hypocrites who would intentionally turn against a fellow American for conflicting beliefs. To me it is remarkable in present day America, stuff like this happens. Anti-war protesters portrayed as "anti-American" "anti-establishment "hippies" "druggies." This is a fictional story but events in this film are being applied in real world scenarios, such as courtrooms and police officers who think that they are above the law.
This film really made me think and I hope you guys become more consciously aware rather than the ignorant bystander who thinks that this could never happen in America.