since zeros making an new intermittent fast class called bones designed specifically for escape maps, what about just going back to basics with zmod and remove all of the additions to it and play it like we used to without any of this stuff?
useless indiferent answer.
since zeros making an new intermittent fast class called bones designed specifically for escape maps, what about just going back to basics with zmod and remove all of the additions to it and play it like we used to without any of this stuff?
amen to that... who needs ranks :| .. btw did zero ever state the powers of these new BONES class zombies.. btw going to basics i hope you don't mean back to when we didn't have any zclass.. and nade knockbacks.. because that would just be horrible.. leave everything the way it is.. just give admin powers to do votes to remove fast zombies.... for ZE maps
Ibis Steam Contest #2
Canceled till further notice
I read people's post purely for amusement I find people's frustration and failure quite funny... after all it's all just a game... you'll die early if you take it too seriously. ^^
Arrogance - only fags and assholes have them... You know who you are.
I say yes to everything EXCEPT parachutes.
Because when I want to jump off a building in a feeble attempt to excape from zombies, I want to be able to glide, and not go SPLAT.
That’s the funny thing about trolls: They love to do something horrible, then accuse you of doing something horrible when you call them on it.
I actually played in the IBIS zm server yesterday n the day before that. I had often played in the IBIS WCS server and the rankings on there caused a lot of problematic issues among IBIS members as well as other players (Eg. I currently rank #1 in the WCS and the process of me getting there was ridden with f'ed up problems like jealousy and accusation)
So anyway, when i was in the zombie server the other day I noticed the ranks on it too. What i also saw were people complaining about sooo much more crap than other servers (I assume it is because when you die, your score is permanently recorded, therefore people are more "worried"[can't find right word] about their scores/deaths/kills) Rankings make the gameplay and gaming environment more serious.
So that is why I think you should remove the ranks. However, I think the addition of parachutes, zm vision, fast zombies, differnet zombie classes are awesome and they improve gameplay.
Just my 2 cents
But we do have an issue with making people change their classes FROM fast zombies to anything else on escape maps.
It's not fair to the humans at all when they're on an escape map and there's a fast zombie.
Most definitely get rid of the fast zombie.
they've been a big problem for a long time.
That’s the funny thing about trolls: They love to do something horrible, then accuse you of doing something horrible when you call them on it.
of course there would be other classes, I mean by going back to classic as going back to what it was like a year ago when I first found this place.
No parachutes or annoying zombie vision although with some sort of flash to grab the attention of the hopeless humans as it is now and a notificiation on screen for that particular person telling them there the zombie in big flashing lights or something isntead of the blinding zm vision.
and dont get me wrong I like the new deformed, which was introduced a few months after I found this place, I oughta put up another poll about getting the old zmod theme back and a new proposed vote about what weapons are allowed in crawl spaces though.
by the way when you get killled and I mean killed as you are dead and siting in specatate it removes a considerible amount of points from your score if you havent been killing zombies or humans as a zombie.
I guess it could be an issue with some people. But I have played in other zombie servers that have fast zombies allowed with escape maps, although it is harder, I have seen enough times 4-5 humans finishing the escape. It is very possible.
I agree to this great compromise. Use the the same type of system in WCS server (where some races have a certain maximum # allowed at one time)
Last edited by Ryanrenesis; 09-08-2009 at 07:20 PM.
if Im on a roll and there are no barracades, obstacles or natural obstacles like a water pit or ladder I can tag 15 people or so within a minute, I guess if you greatly diminsh the fasts maneuverability (moving left to right, sidestrafling to move faster, not forward) it might make the odds even for the humans.
I just dont see limiting it to 3 making a difference in survivability, but that combined with the reduced mobility on popular escape maps may work.