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Thread: What's good Pimps?

  1. Default What's good Pimps?

    Been lurking around the forums for a couple days, thought I'd post a little something.

    I love dirty little whores with chubby dumpers.

  2. Default



    ----------> lol

    Got a blister? Ibuprofen. Can't feel from your waist down? Ibuprofen. Got a spider bite? Ibuprofen. - SPC S-Rod & Me

  3. Default

    Why you hatin?

  4. Default

    ima hate all day everyday lol

    Got a blister? Ibuprofen. Can't feel from your waist down? Ibuprofen. Got a spider bite? Ibuprofen. - SPC S-Rod & Me

  5. Default


  6. Default

    yes i am.

    Got a blister? Ibuprofen. Can't feel from your waist down? Ibuprofen. Got a spider bite? Ibuprofen. - SPC S-Rod & Me

  7. Default



  8. Default

    Who are you? oh thats right your the shit talker... I'm sorry, I couldn't hear you over how AWESOME I am.
    Sonic logs back into steam: 9/11/10

  9. Default

    Haterade drinking fools !! Welcome to the Forums ! LOL

  10. Default

    Welcome Sin!

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