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Thread: what is the comotion in zm with walter being ban hammered

  1. Default what is the comotion in zm with walter being ban hammered

    apprently wicked let aztec get a freekill from him with a knife then walter was like rage so someone banned wicked think or am i getting this entire story wrong?

  2. Default

    so walter and wicked got banned?

    "if the futures been drawn out theres no point in living." sksk
    Quote Originally Posted by acolyte_to_jippity View Post
    within the ruins remins me of a somewhat harder bullet for my valentine

  3. Default

    Quote Originally Posted by mastercheff View Post
    apprently wicked let aztec get a freekill from him with a knife then walter was like rage so someone banned wicked think or am i getting this entire story wrong?
    I was out all day today... went to a hospital memorial and reception.

    I just got home.

    Are you on crack?

    Are you talking about a different Walter? Like "Walter's In Love <3" (terracotta pie in disguise)?

  4. Default

    Quote Originally Posted by mastercheff View Post
    apprently wicked let aztec get a freekill from him with a knife then walter was like rage so someone banned wicked think or am i getting this entire story wrong?
    this is correct. walter why deny it?
    Who are you? oh thats right your the shit talker... I'm sorry, I couldn't hear you over how AWESOME I am.
    Sonic logs back into steam: 9/11/10

  5. Default

    Quote Originally Posted by Holy-Sonic View Post
    this is correct. walter why deny it?

  6. Default

    Pie doesn't have admin last time I checked. And if he does, he needs to wear the tag. Though I'm pretty sure Masterchef's information is accurate.

    And if he's using a name like yours, he should probably change it back to normal to prevent confusion.

    The whole problem with the world is that fools and fanatics are always so certain of themselves, but wiser people so full of doubts.

  7. Default

    Dude someone needs to post a "dummy's guide: How to play ZM" so i can come and join in on the fun.... "sad face" missing fun; i feel left out.
    Interdum feror cupidine partium magnarum Europae vincendarum
    Translation: "Sometimes I get this urge to conquer large parts of Europe."
    Loud Mute

  8. Default

    I can make you a guide with three simple steps.

    1. Listen to regulars and admins
    2. Cooperate with them
    3. .. Well okay, two steps I guess.

    The whole problem with the world is that fools and fanatics are always so certain of themselves, but wiser people so full of doubts.

  9. #9


    Mastercheff, Exactly How Was This Guys Name Spelled???
    Last edited by ImGonnaGetCha; 09-11-2009 at 09:35 AM.
    Every @-}---- Has Its Thorn

  10. Default

    Quote Originally Posted by walterbrunswick View Post
    actually its vise versa this is the reason why like 1/2 of us went to southside's AKA fateless server, because walter was being stupid and went into rage
    Who are you? oh thats right your the shit talker... I'm sorry, I couldn't hear you over how AWESOME I am.
    Sonic logs back into steam: 9/11/10

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