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Thread: Ehmm. will a admin reset the wcs server

  1. Exclamation Ehmm. will a admin reset the wcs server

    Will some admin come and restart the wcs server.. it have been bugged for for over 9 hours now.

    Thanks bulleyes-bullshit

    EDIT: Thanks it someone restarted the server. Thanks to the one.
    Last edited by Bullshit; 09-15-2009 at 03:52 PM.

  2. Default

    Your welcome

  3. Default

    While we're on the WCS server issue, does anyone have an explanation as to why the server repeatedly crashes after being reset?

  4. Default

    Maybe the new races... just keep posting in forums... please include as much detail as possible... Zero is aware of issues and is working on them as quickly as possible... Thank You for you cooperation!


    ps i'll be stopping in, in about five minutes to look at it

  5. Default

    Quote Originally Posted by ChronicVT View Post
    Maybe the new races... just keep posting in forums... please include as much detail as possible... Zero is aware of issues and is working on them as quickly as possible... Thank You for you cooperation!


    ps i'll be stopping in, in about five minutes to look at it
    rogue = funny

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