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Thread: Inf|ibi.a app

  1. Default Inf|ibi.a app

    i know im prob one of the most hated admins , but what the hay

    Name: Inf

    Born: 11/2/1998

    In-game name: inf ibis.a

    Favorite IBIS server:zm

    Weapons of choice: pump / dully / m249

    Favorite Zmod map: 4 corners / panic 2

    Reason for APP: I want to become a nice kid , and get rid of my anger management by joining ibis , u prob have seen me yell in chat before

  2. #2


    You should stop admin abusing.

    Good luck.
    I fucking love music
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    Server rules
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  3. Default

    Quote Originally Posted by inf|ibis.a View Post
    i know im prob one of the most hated admins , but what the hay

    Name: Inf

    Born: 11/2/1998

    In-game name: inf ibis.a

    Favorite IBIS server:zm

    Weapons of choice: pump / dully / m249

    Favorite Zmod map: 4 corners / panic 2

    Reason for APP: I want to become a nice kid , and get rid of my anger management by joining ibis , u prob have seen me yell in chat before
    good luck even though you got a bad record of banning with no demo's
    Who are you? oh thats right your the shit talker... I'm sorry, I couldn't hear you over how AWESOME I am.
    Sonic logs back into steam: 9/11/10

  4. Default

    You said you used to play here a year ago, so you should know not to set the server on fire.

    Apart from the admin abuse though, good luck.

    The whole problem with the world is that fools and fanatics are always so certain of themselves, but wiser people so full of doubts.

  5. #5


    Sorry But Me, I Think You Are Not Mature Enough To Be Admin!!!!!!
    Every @-}---- Has Its Thorn

  6. Default

    I gotta admit ther are those of us that have been here longer without abuse. IBIS takes a member once maybe every year so I can give no support for your app... there are many more who have shown they want it alot more (myself includuded) sorry...
    Last edited by Vladninja; 09-16-2009 at 05:56 AM.

  7. Default

    Quote Originally Posted by inf|ibis.a View Post
    i know im prob one of the most hated admins , but what the hay

    Name: Inf

    Born: 11/2/1998

    In-game name: inf ibis.a

    Favorite IBIS server:zm

    Weapons of choice: pump / dully / m249

    Favorite Zmod map: 4 corners / panic 2

    Reason for APP: I want to become a nice kid , and get rid of my anger management by joining ibis , u prob have seen me yell in chat before
    you might wanna chill out on the admin abuse first there inf. other wise most people from ZM are gonna take this as a joke.
    -The enemy of my enemy is my friend-

  8. Default

    youre only 11 years old? denied.

  9. Default

    Quote Originally Posted by whytboiz33 View Post
    youre only 11 years old? denied.
    And out of nowhere whytboiz appears to smash another child's dream

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