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Thread: If we get another server, what will it be?

  1. Default If we get another server, what will it be?

    Me and Mastagunz were talking today, and neither of us know what is going to come of either the next server or an old server. As a regular, I would like to know what the next server will be before I decide to either get admin, or reserved slot, I love IBIS the community, but I would like a server of minigames, jailbreak, hosties, or deathrun. I like zmod off and on, and pub is always good for an hour, but those 4 game mods are extremely fun for me.

    I would like either zero or jigsaw to say what's going to happen, and the rest of you, tell what you would like to happen.

  2. #2


    I'd like a minigames in the future...
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  3. Default

    Jailbreak is sadistic, I'd never want to see IBIS host a jailbreak server. Deathmatch on the other hand, is one of my favorites because you don't have to wait to respond. One thing I never liked about it though was the map sizes were usually too small. But if we had large maps+DM I wouldn't mind it.

    But Breezy, we're talking maybe a half year or year into the future when Zero might add another server, so I'm not sure if they even know. I know that a few of us are just now starting to get pub active again, and I'm not entirely sure WCS is filled most the time either, which means they would probably want to wait a bit longer for things to get a bit more active before adding another server.

    Besides, the current servers all need work as well, they can only do so much. Though hopefully Zero and Jigsaw will continue to take suggestions for maps and fixes on servers. If so, then thats one less thing they have to bother with.

    The whole problem with the world is that fools and fanatics are always so certain of themselves, but wiser people so full of doubts.

  4. Thumbs up

    I understand, completely. The point of the thread was for any thoughts on things like this: I believe that the wcs server should be switched out for a minigames server, while I understand others may disagree, I'm just stating my opinon. I don't enjoy wcs as much anymore, because I have over played it. Which is, in part, my fault, but that's what i want.
    I'm just looking for brains storms, I'm very against paying for admin and those type of things, but for IBIS I want to see it continue running, because all the players here are loads of fun. So, I before paying ANYTHING, I would like to see where the servers are going, the base for weither or not I will enjoy IBIS forever, or only when I feel like playing zombie or pub. Thanks for the feed back.

  5. Default

    I hate Jailbreak too.

    Minigames would be awsome. I head over to Steamgamers at least once or twice a week to get it out of my system. There are some really cool minigames maps that could be fun with the GG and ZM crowds.

  6. Default

    I agree with you about switching the WCS server for another one, but I don't think Zero or Jigsaw would have bothered getting a server if they didn't put a lot of time into thinking about what kind of server to get.

    Though as I said before, I wouldn't mind a DM server. That or a second ZM server, dedicated to escape maps only. But I realize that's probably asking for too much.

    As for the minigames server.. I've personally had bad experiences with it at Steamgamers, and can't stand it. But that's just me.

    *Cough..* I got muted for playing my Indiana Jones theme song music while two guys were running up a hill dodging rocks.. And shortly after got banned for asking why they muted me without even asking me once to stop.. Especially since I was muted AFTER I stopped.. I think they thought I was going to turn it into a argument or something. Though that wasn't really the bad experience part.. I rather actually play a DM server instead of sitting in spec most the time, which I could just do in ZM to watch for cade breakers and what not.

    The whole problem with the world is that fools and fanatics are always so certain of themselves, but wiser people so full of doubts.

  7. Default

    Quote Originally Posted by Jeimuzu View Post
    I agree with you about switching the WCS server for another one, but I don't think Zero or Jigsaw would have bothered getting a server if they didn't put a lot of time into thinking about what kind of server to get.

    Though as I said before, I wouldn't mind a DM server. That or a second ZM server, dedicated to escape maps only. But I realize that's probably asking for too much.

    As for the minigames server.. I've personally had bad experiences with it at Steamgamers, and can't stand it. But that's just me.

    *Cough..* I got muted for playing my Indiana Jones theme song music while two guys were running up a hill dodging rocks.. And shortly after got banned for asking why they muted me without even asking me once to stop.. Especially since I was muted AFTER I stopped.. I think they thought I was going to turn it into a argument or something. Though that wasn't really the bad experience part.. I rather actually play a DM server instead of sitting in spec most the time, which I could just do in ZM to watch for cade breakers and what not.
    Now dats' fucked up.

  8. Default

    Yeah apparently they had no sense of humor. I don't even know why I went there to be honest.. I think I was asking Hobo why he was there and not ZM. So after I got banned I just went back to having fun killing zombies.

    The whole problem with the world is that fools and fanatics are always so certain of themselves, but wiser people so full of doubts.

  9. Default

    If Zero ever decides to put a new server, it should be with something that other servers don't have. Other servers have minigames, deathmatch and ect. We should make our own server moded server. I mean we should have enough time to make one because we just got WCS.

    Personally I would like to see an attack and defend server whether it be capture the flag or RB6V style "gather the intel" kind of match.

    Or how about a crazy boss server. Players would get into group of like 15 to 20 and run through a map with doom 3 like bosses and they will have to work together to over come them and complete the map. <--- That is my favorite idea for a server

  10. #10


    Quote Originally Posted by anex View Post
    If Zero ever decides to put a new server, it should be with something that other servers don't have. Other servers have minigames, deathmatch and ect. We should make our own server moded server. I mean we should have enough time to make one because we just got WCS.

    Personally I would like to see an attack and defend server whether it be capture the flag or RB6V style "gather the intel" kind of match.

    Or how about a crazy boss server. Players would get into group of like 15 to 20 and run through a map with doom 3 like bosses and they will have to work together to over come them and complete the map. <--- That is my favorite idea for a server
    Clever Although I Would Love To have A Deathrun (Not DeathMatch) Server They're Alot Of Fun To Play On (That's Actually One Of My Faves)
    But I Think I Like Anex's Idea Better, That's Something Different And I Think That Idea Would Make Ibis Come Back Alive Again!!!! But That's Up To Zero, Idk If He Has The Time To Make A Server Like That, Because That Would Take "Alot" Of Work.
    Every @-}---- Has Its Thorn

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