Requesting "temporary Ban" (WCS)
Here the problem.
" I Keel You <3 " have been having trouble with Counter strike lately i beleve. His Lancenty is showing as average of 50 Ping. NOt bad, that even great..
The problem that seem to be here, is that he been Lagging teleporting when his to close to an opponent. So it make almost impossible to shoot right on him when his teleporting just beside you with those lag..?
So that being said, i would like him to get a temporary ban until he fix his problem if possible.. I got nothing agaisnt that player, it's just annoying to have to shoot beside him to kill him, if you know what i mean.
Here 2 demo. Demo #2 check at the end when he start getting close to a opponent he lag. On demo #3, their 3 opponent around him, he Lag even "more"..
"I Keel You <3" STEAM_0:0:26721924 5:56:35 70 0 active
Attachment 663
Attachment 664
- And for those who have fought and died.. as i approach the gates of heaven; St.Peter i will tell, one more Soldier reporting Sir, i've served my time in hell.