this is the video that gave me the idea for my game name.
this is the video that gave me the idea for my game name.
-The enemy of my enemy is my friend-
When I first started playing in the hDkP servers in CZ, there was this clan member named "Christmas in My Pants" (because it was around December). I played there for awhile and ended up joining the clan, and after the clan broke off a few years ago I started to use his name more and more. Soon enough it became a regular name and I use it to this day.
ahahahaha inthebutt that vid is a classic
as for my game name kinda random name that popped into my head
-=NYS=- C.O. = New York State Corrections Officer
some line from some comedian i was drunkenly watching on tv while playing cs one night...
LAWLz Reminds Me Of My brother LOL!!!!!!! He Does The Same Stuff To Me!!!!!!!!! And You Wonder Why I Abuse You Guys On Here LMAO!!!!!!!!!
Lawl Oh And My Name Use To Be ImGonnaKickUrButt.... LAWL I Never Played Games b4 So That Sounded Like It Would Fit For The Game LOL Then I Changed It To ImGonnaGetCha Because Well Pride I Guess And Also For Kicking Ur Butts
Every @-}---- Has Its Thorn
i dont know why i came up with my name.
I just want something simple that people could say on xbox instead of some long strung out name
and mag came up but it was to short so i add 2 random numbers numbers.
Now people are going to think i copied that playstation game MAG
but i had this name for over 3 years