All configuration changes are now handled in that section.
Below is a list of things you can request to be configured:
- parachutes: on or off
- noblock: on or off
- Respawn: on or off
- Zombies: maximum number of random zombies that can be spawned at the start of a game (2 default)
- knockback: can be reduced as a % of original
- speed cap: this can slow the fast zombies down but only 1/2 works
- reduce speed: this slows down all the zombies it is done by a % of original speed, currently this is done on all escape maps along with the above option
- health: zombies health can be changed as a % of original, effects all zombies
- teleport: first zombie is telephoned
- physics: this is altered on every ze map that I install to allow moving objects to work. If moving objects are not working or if physics are messed up request this to be changed.
- Zombie Spawn time: Do zombies need to start later or sooner?
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Please list maps that you would like to have the settings changed on. For example enable or disable parachutes noblock ect.
Please use the following format:
Map Name: zm_example
Enable: noblock
Disable: nothing
Change: Reduce zombie speed, reduce health
Reason: Humans keep getting blocked at point x and the zombies always win. If no block were enabled the humans could get up the ladders at the start of the map. If the zombies where slower and weaker they humans could have a better chance to escape.
By using this simple format it will help me know what maps need settings changed and what the problems are. Below is a list of things I can change and some explanations:
- parachutes: on or off
- noblock: on or off
- Respawn: on or off
- Zombies: maximum number of random zombies that can be spawned at the start of a game (2 default)
- knockback: can be reduced as a % of original
- speed cap: this can slow the fast zombies down but only 1/2 works
- reduce speed: this slows down all the zombies it is done by a % of original speed, currently this is done on all escape maps along with the above option
- health: zombies health can be changed as a % of original, effects all zombies
- teleport: first zombie is telephoned
- physics: this is altered on every ze map that I install to allow moving objects to work. If moving objects are not working or if physics are messed up request this to be changed.