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Thread: flying out

  1. #1

    Default flying out

    hello ibis community id thought id let you know that ive been absent the past few days because im packing up my shit and flying out to london to live. so i wont be on for the next month probably. i leave out tuesday and will be spending some time getting my apartment ready and to settle in. so i guess this is bye for now see ya when i get to london.

  2. Default

    See you later man...ave a safe trip and moving!!!


  3. Default

    wow, that has got to be an expensive move. It might be cheaper to drive there though... Also do you fly into Knoxville or Lexington

    Hope you like it there KY has a lot of country, maybe you can get insight 20mps internet there!

  4. Default


  5. Default

    Have some tea and crumpets for me while your there. Also go slap Insanity for me. He lives in Nottingham.

  6. Default

    Haha Have a safe trip (drunk off of mojitoss

  7. #8


    im at the first flight airport right now

    (im literally using some random guys computer) but ill be leaving out at around 11 or so. figured id make a few post before im to busy for internet and all that good stuff. fuckin expensive trip. (plane tickets were the chepest i could find) about 2,000 first class ill be ariving near Purly and taking a rented car to Norbury where i will be living in a apartment. so ill try to get internet hooked up ASAP. till then cya later.

  8. #9


    woot im in my apartment right now just got the computer set up. lucky for my im right across the street from a coffe shop. and u know what that means free wireless internet.

  9. Default

    post some pics i wanna see

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