I remember when I used to be an avid player/admin/whatever here a few years ago...the pub was full....always...all the time.

Now I come back to playing CSS and I join pub and there are normally 0-5 other people playing in it...that's horrible!

Is there a reason why the pub went to shit or am I just logging on at bad times? I always see the ZM full as shit but I don't log on source so I can make the same "cade" over and over again hoping some noob doesn't blow it up. And GG...eh...not my cup of tea.

What happened to everyone in Ibis loving the pub? I remember playing that shit with 20 people in it all the time and people messaging me on Steam telling me to kick ppl so they could come in and play. I remember playing and amongst those 20 people were about 10 ibis clan members/admins. That shit needs to be full again IMO.