hello IBIS/Zero/ and gaming community
my name is ACER aka [:j:] aka ACER[:j:]
i am 18 years old with an accent
i feel really discriminated by all players everytime i talk
well maynard<ibis.a> permanetly banned me because

1. my natural accent
2. someone told him to ban me (prolly close friend)
3. racist

i do admit to all i do talk alot on the mic, after everykill, i do say something

i got banned and didnt not:

1. break server rules
2. hack
3. be racist
4. discriminate

so idk why im banned, is it because my accent?
i cant change my accent because you want me to i was born that way

maynard<ibis.a> p.banned me because i talk on the mic
the last thing he told me before he banned me was
" her ACER guess what..." and BOOM in banned

idk why you guys got admin who admin abuse...
all i got to say is ive been playing on this server for like 3-5 months i really like it and im banned for talking on mic

i would like to get unbanned, i didnot break server rules

thank you,