I was playing on the server,and I was on the tunnel map (or whatever) and I noticed a player jump pretty high.I asked as admin in chat: ''Riju (or w/e his name was) care to explain why you jumped so high?''At that moment,walter (another admin) came to admin chat (not admin only) and started called me a noob admin.He said things like ''Matrix hes a zombie you f****** noob!'' and ''if dont know how to be admin GTFO from admin'' or something like that.

This is very un-called for.But I will not leave out the fact that I started to yell a bit myself.I calmly explained I had some lag,but he just kept on calling me a noob admin.One thing I said was ''Atleast I didn't go off banning him'',because that is true that I did NOT take any action against the player I was watching,because I mustve been lagging.

As stated in the TOS you shouldnt go against other admins.I mean the least walter could have done was listend to my explaination,or asked why I question the player that I did.