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Thread: Banned?

  1. Default Banned?

    I guess playing mediocre is bannable these days.

    Friday 9:00 CST
    Name: $aint
    reason: none given.

    Last thing I did was pop through DD as T, got a kill (believe it was ibis H something.), then blinded for 20 seconds and finally kicked and banned.

    I don't really mind and I'm not going to put up a fuss. It was ok playing here, but if this is an example of the kind of admins you have running your server than I think I'll play else where. If it was a mistake that's understandable and I'm a forgivable person.

    If it wasn't a mistake then in my humble opinion some of your admins should be re-evaluated. If it was to make room for a friend you should just password your server if that's how you're going to treat random pubbers.

    I'll be checking back.

    Awaiting your replies,

  2. Default

    You got close but please make the topic the way described in the format section.

    Also list everything out like it is there

  3. Default $aint 9:00 CST


    Name in Game: $aint
    Steam-ID: STEAM_0:0:2165498
    Who banned you: believe it was ibis H something.
    When: 6/13/08 9:00 CST
    Why banned: none given

    Other/Reason to unban: Last thing I did was pop through DD as T, got a kill (believe it was ibis H something.), then blinded for 20 seconds and finally kicked and banned.

    I don't really mind and I'm not going to put up a fuss. It was ok playing here, but if this is an example of the kind of admins you have running your server than I think I'll play else where. If it was a mistake that's understandable and I'm a forgivable person.

    If it wasn't a mistake then in my humble opinion some of your admins should be re-evaluated. If it was to make room for a friend you should just password your server if that's how you're going to treat random pubbers.

    I'll be checking back.

    Awaiting your replies,

  4. Default

    ahh.. thanks.

  5. Default

    I aciddently banned him instead of someone else who was wallhacking so this was my fault

  6. Default


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