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Thread: Walter Banned....

  1. Default Walter Banned....

    Message:Banned out of no where from gungame.

    Name in Game:Walter(Athene)
    Who banned you:Admins in server at the time were UNCLE JUNE, Vicious, and Sid Vicious possibly others
    When: Few moments ago
    Why banned: Don't know

    Other/Reason to unban: Wasn't doing anything wrong, was in the server for less than 5 minutes.

  2. Default

    ??/ sorry im admit im drunk, but i didnt see you get banned.

  3. Default

    Now I got perma banned by Dual from pub fucking ridiculous.

  4. Default

    Oh that was you, I Did know that was you , if I Knew that was you I Would have continue to let you wall!

  5. Default

    Quote Originally Posted by Dual View Post
    Oh that was you, I Did know that was you , if I Knew that was you I Would have continue to let you wall!
    Have a problem with someone being better than you? No demo BTW.

  6. Default

    Do you really think your better then me jackass? Its already been confirm you wallhack.

  7. Default

    The next admin that perma bans without a demo will lose perma ban


  8. Default

    Quote Originally Posted by ZERO View Post
    The next admin that perma bans without a demo will lose perma ban

    I concur. Permabans need demos. You need conclusive proof for this. Dual, I'm sure he hacks if you say so because I trust your judgment but we have to follow procedure. I will be watching him and if i see anything that shows him walling I will demo him until i find conclusive proof that he hacks.

  9. Default

    This jackass was not playing under his name, I Gonna watch this Jackass every times he in the sever.

    He is just gonna be another HACKER you let back in the server to be banned in the up coming weeks. Like all the rest of them you let bakc in.

  10. Default

    If he is a hacker this is EXACTLY why I want a demo! Because I want their scum banned from this fucking EARTH!!!

    With a demo we can have them banned from thousands of servers. Banning them from only here is letting them off easy. They need to be hunted down and have their internet taken away FOREVER!!!!

    Also, just like in any civilized nation every player deserves a fair trial. Anyone that is being perma baned is in essence getting the death penalty. (except the death penalty bans them from earth, and there is the fact that getting banned is known to result in suicide) Therefore demos should prove beyond a reasonable doubt that players are hacking.

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