look here and read this carfully there are alot of reg's that use this command so you better get ready to give alot of warnings fool and to the admin thing ha ive nver said that and pules you must some head treatments fool i said that you have to much power and that you need to learn how how to use it thank you so muteing me every map is uncalled for the use command is there for you too get the right weapon right well tell that to everyone that use's it im not the only one or will ever be there are
alot of reg's that play at the gg server that use it so i guess you and your firends have alot of warnings to give a gg means you kill to win not sit and reload like a pub thats why it aint in there duh
so please take a
pill and leave the gg to the gg'ers and the pubbing to the pubbers till zero says so im going to do it..... i like zero and i love the ibis servers but you are taking this to far