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Thread: NSFW look away if you value your job.

  1. #1

    Default Merry Christmas!!!

    Merry Christmas to all and eat tons of stuff that's bad for you and what not!

    I hope you all get what you wanted.

    EDIT: I know it's not Christmas yet but I posted it anyway because I will probably not be on much tomorrow.
    I fucking love music
    Rip Paul Gray

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  2. Default

    merry christmas brosky
    i know im going to be eating a whole lot of things im not supposed to. just started out today with some vanilla coconut cake.
    and i got a switch blade for an early christmas present from my gfnds uncle. it has a six and a half inch blade. thirteen inches including the handle

    "if the futures been drawn out theres no point in living." sksk
    Quote Originally Posted by acolyte_to_jippity View Post
    within the ruins remins me of a somewhat harder bullet for my valentine

  3. Default

    Merry Christmas to you too! hehehe And I always tend to eat stuff I'm not supposed to. lol

  4. Default

    merry christmas to you all and hope you have great time

    Well ill just say merry Christmas Eve and here my tree

    ps. thats not me its my bro
    Last edited by mag36; 12-24-2009 at 12:46 AM. Reason: Ok Im going to change it to Merry Christmas Eve an put a pic up

  5. Default

    Merry Christmas & Happy Holidays

    I am going to Las Vegas for the holidays to get away from the holidays as it helps me to forget that I no longer have my son to celebrate with as of 3+ years ago.

    In any event, I am stressed and need a break so I'll see all of you folks when I return.

    Eat, drink (etc) and be merry as the saying goes.

    One cannot improve if they cannot see their mistakes!

    If you can't do it right, Don't bother!

    DeadEyeDeNNi$ <ibis.a>

  6. Default

    Happy Holidays mah little babies.

  7. Default

    Merry Christmas one and all! To all good people on Earth!

  8. Default

    At 3am I'm making sugar cookies and gingerbread men. Icing them and decorating them. Then heading to the gym nice and early and sleeping in then time to open whatever presents I don't know about

    Got a blister? Ibuprofen. Can't feel from your waist down? Ibuprofen. Got a spider bite? Ibuprofen. - SPC S-Rod & Me

  9. Default

    Lets get a song going !

    Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer...

  10. Default

    had a very shiny nose.

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