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Thread: Zm Lego problem and maps that should be readded

  1. Default Zm Lego problem and maps that should be readded

    Zm Lego is showing up pink and black right now because Zero forgot to add the materials folder to the download system, not just the map itself

    in particular the materials/boharox and materials/affiche folders that came with the download from here

    and some forgotten maps to be readded, I appreciate 4 corners and fubar finally being added but we really need these back

    zm_salon_moon - always a good map, I dont know why you removed it

    zm_distant - a good dark map thats fun to hide out on.

    ze_space_stationzz - everyone loved to play on this one and try to get to the x wing

    zm_ninja_beta - a fun unique ninja map that the latest versions screwed up

    zm_pulse_templeofdoom_final - didnt care for it but alot of people did

    zm_ruined_town_v3 - same deal as the last one
    Last edited by Kavinsky; 04-30-2010 at 01:00 AM.

  2. Default

    Those materials are on the server and on the fast dl. If they are not downloading it is because the map is not programed correctly...

    those maps have now been readded

  3. Default

    weird, well all it did was download the map itself and not the materials folders when we went on it earlier, I had to add the materials folders myself and then it worked fine

  4. Default

    The dipshit that made the map probably did not make the map automatically dl the files...

  5. Default

    Admins still can't choose certain maps.

    The whole problem with the world is that fools and fanatics are always so certain of themselves, but wiser people so full of doubts.

  6. Default

    I heard from someone hes going to be gone for 10 days, james did he even deal with the "server down" hacker before he left?

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