sorry for my previous post . I there steam id have not added it
nick name: [Щтƒz] σωηєЯ ¤1зз7¤
sorry for my previous post . I there steam id have not added it
nick name: [Щтƒz] σωηєЯ ¤1зз7¤
Follow the following format for submitting bans. This makes it easy to review and to submit to steambans remember that for a ban the following is needed:
Players name
Steam ID
A demo with status or sb_status entered in console during the recording
IF YOU WANT TO BAN THEM FROM EARTH be sure to have SB_STATUS entered after you start recording in console. That list must show up in console for steambans to accept the ban!
If you entered sb_status place the output in the sb_status section, otherwise just put no. If you only have the steam-ID but did enter sb_status then just put that
******This is the post format to follow*******
In the Title section -> Username Steam-ID
In the Message section ->
Player name:
What hacks:
Other info:
Attach your demo to your POST!
Just click the paper clip next to the smiley
If you need help uploading the file just make a post in the user help section.
Thanks for helping to stop hackers
Cloud,fix and add demo
sorry for my previous post . I there steam id have not added it
nick name: [Щтƒz] σωηєЯ ¤1зз7¤
Last edited by peper; 06-15-2008 at 03:01 PM.
for the love of god like this
Player name: [Щтƒz] σωηєЯ ¤1зз7¤
Steam-ID: STEAM_0:1:18193102
sb_status: Unknown
What hacks: Wall Hacks
Other info:
Is no one going to follow the format type? If no one does can we just ignore until they actually get it right?
Yea but the issue was that there was no record of status entered in console in the actual recording. This is why I could not ban, not only did I not have the users ID there is no way to prove it was them... if it was entered in the demo I would have just posted the ID after finding it in the demos console log.
I could try to cross reference it with stats data but that is all I can do....