WHy did you unban aerisdies he was banend for being racist to someone he called a certain indiviual a n lover
WHy did you unban aerisdies he was banend for being racist to someone he called a certain indiviual a n lover
supposedly you got him mistaken for someone else, you sure it was him?
Well Zero gave time for the amdin to respond to his Unban request. He gave 3 days and you never bothered to check in the forum so he was unbanned. Try to keep up with the forums after you ban someone incase they do come and complain
personally i ban racism for 7 days... it may seem a bit extreme but really... they need to learn a lesson... if i see the same person offend on the same offense again... i personally think a perm ban is warranted....
if somebody dosnt want to learn then fuck em.... let them play elsewhere...
Remember that I consider rules in this game to be according to it's rating of 18+ thus that language is allowed but like all things should not be out of control. "racist" terms are a part of this and I see a difference is the use of "racist" words as curse words ad as derogatory statements. If a player is saying a word ie just saying it ask them to stop first and maybe kick them.
Users who are being racist, ie actually directing language at an individual player should be punished severely as they are verbally assaulting others on the basis of race.
yea, just the offhand comment of a racial word or slogan warrants a warning... multiple warnings, a kick, multiple kicks, a ban... and if somebody is verbally assaulting another with such racial slurs.... just go straight for 7 days... fuck em... let them learn respect....