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Thread: Mod power!

  1. Default

    I suppose we either have to be upset that there was no moderation in the past or be mad there there is moderation now.

    You are right, Loka. There is no gray area. No one should have any critiques of the current moderation or else they should have been content with no moderation at all.


  2. Default

    Quote Originally Posted by Christmas View Post
    I suppose we either have to be upset that there was no moderation in the past or be mad there there is moderation now.

    You are right, Loka. There is no gray area. No one should have any critiques of the current moderation or else they should have been content with no moderation at all.

    can't always have what you want christmas lol
    -The enemy of my enemy is my friend-

  3. #53


    Quote Originally Posted by inthebutt View Post
    can't always have what you want christmas lol
    the sarcasm obviously flew over your head.
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  4. Default

    Quote Originally Posted by inthebutt View Post
    can't always have what you want christmas lol
    All I'm doing is voicing my opinion on the current community and what I think can improve on it.

    I see nothing wrong with that.

  5. Default

    Quote Originally Posted by Christmas View Post
    All I'm doing is voicing my opinion on the current community and what I think can improve on it.

    I see nothing wrong with that.
    no there isn't, but you have to realize us MOD's won't catch everything.

    so we need people to address issues in a civil matter like how your doing right now.

    please continue
    -The enemy of my enemy is my friend-

  6. #56


    Grats to all Clan Members for being able to Mod a majority of the forums now. I love going into a thread...reading it...asking myself "why the fuck does this thread exist" and then seeing a closed sign at the top and bottom. :-) gives me warm fuzzies all over!

    keep it up clannies!
    ZOMBIE [ibis.a]

  7. Default

    Quote Originally Posted by Tragedy View Post
    Grats to all Clan Members for being able to Mod a majority of the forums now. I love going into a thread...reading it...asking myself "why the fuck does this thread exist" and then seeing a closed sign at the top and bottom. :-) gives me warm fuzzies all over!

    keep it up clannies!
    oh you can count on it tragedy.
    -The enemy of my enemy is my friend-

  8. Default

    I think all IBIS Clan having moderator is a big change to the forum community... and all big changes can be hard.

    A lot of people will think this sort of forum monitoring is great and can help keep things on track. Others will be upset at the censorship issue.
    Thinking things may seem to serious and they will want things to just be like they used to be.

    Regardless of how you feel though this is a decision that was made by Zero (in my opinion) because he believed in the long run it would have a positive affect on the community.

    I have no problem with anyone speaking out against whats happened but please understand the change has already been made.
    Lets move past this issue and get back to focusing on more important things like having fun and posting funny videos in the video mega thread.

  9. Default

    Quote Originally Posted by Vladninja View Post
    I think all IBIS Clan having moderator is a big change to the forum community... and all big changes can be hard.

    A lot of people will think this sort of forum monitoring is great and can help keep things on track. Others will be upset at the censorship issue.
    Thinking things may seem to serious and they will want things to just be like they used to be.

    Regardless of how you feel though this is a decision that was made by Zero (in my opinion) because he believed in the long run it would have a positive affect on the community.

    I have no problem with anyone speaking out against whats happened but please understand the change has already been made.
    Lets move past this issue and get back to focusing on more important things like having fun and posting funny videos in the video mega thread.
    most people have accepted this already vlad. we just have a few slow people we just need to get up to speed on this.
    -The enemy of my enemy is my friend-

  10. Default

    My official position is that I think that you need to grow some skin, itb. You aren't perfect, and no matter how many posts you censor you'll never make it appear out of thin air. When I read that comment in your post it literally made me nerd rage so hard I could crack walnuts between my thighs. That's right. Walnuts.

    Autumn's response was dumb, but the new moderators constant badgering of her is dumb as well. You apparently don't see it, and NONE (EDIT - except James upon further reading) of the other members of the clan sees it either; and if they do then they aren't voicing their opinion.

    If an admin feels as though they're beyond the critiques of the community they serve, then very bad things happen. The same holds true for moderators. ITB, if you honestly think that moderators and the clan in general are beyond critiquing, I'm out of here. I won't support a community that boasts such an ego about itself.
    Last edited by OMGBEARS; 01-08-2010 at 04:32 AM.
    Yeah. I'm an admin. What of it?

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